The Society arranges a diverse programme of lectures, visits and social events.

  • A series of monthly evening lectures is held during the winter months.
  • Several excursions are made to augment the lectures and to visit places of historical interest. Members are also invited to a Social Event each Spring.
  • A Journal & Newsletter is issued three times a year to members, summarising the lectures and excursions.
  • By courtesy of the Aylsham Town Council members can also undertake research using the Aylsham Town Archive. Help can be obtained with the guidance of a dedicated group of volunteers led by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis, Hon. Archivist. The Aylsham Archive, has a wonderful collection of printed material and photographs spanning over 200 years. The Archive is usually open each Wednesday from 10.00am – noon – but please check with the Council office first.
The annual subscription, which includes copies of the Journal & Newsletter, is currently £15.50 for individuals and £24.00 for couples.

You can join or renew your membership online using a debit/credit card, securely using Stripe or by downloading our paper form and paying by cheque…

A membership card will be available once payment has been processed.