Volume 10 of the ALHS Journal was edited by Roger Polhill and ran from August 2014 to August 2017.
Editorial | 2 |
Aylsham Almanack: Chief Local Events during 1914 | 3 |
Aylsham in the First World War by Lynda Wix | 5 |
Aylsham Contingent to the Norfolk Regiment 1914–1918 | 16 |
The Bowmans of Aylsham Manor – a brief coincidental history by William and Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 17 |
Society News | 22 |
Molly Long† by Derek Lyons | 22 |
Textile Conservation and the National Trust – a talk by Rachel Langley and an outing to Oulton – Lynda Wix | 24 |
Ancient Trees in the Norfolk Landscape – a talk by Professor Tom Williamson – Roger Polhill | 25 |
ALHS Dinner by Jim Pannell | 31 |
ALHS 30th Anniversary Celebration by Jim Pannell | 31 |
Notices | 32 |
Editorial | 34 |
A short walk in Aylsham from the Bure Valley Railway to Penfold Street via | |
Hungate by Sheila Merriman | 35 |
Nefarious doings – with disastrous consequences by Geoffrey Nobbs | 46 |
A Celebration in memory of Chris Barringer who died in June 2013 by Geoff Gale | 49 |
Book News: Two Book Reviews – William and Maggie Vaughan-Lewis’s new studies of Aylsham by Margaret Bird | 50 |
Society News | 56 |
Visit to Columbine Hall and the churches of Thornton Parva and Earl Stonham – Peter Roulstone | 57 |
Deserted Villages – a talk by Ian Groves – Lynda Wix | 63 |
The Aylsham Navigation Context: Fuel, Farming and the Environment – a talk by Tom Williamson – Roger Polhill | 65 |
Annual General Meeting – Lynda Wix | 68 |
List of Members | 71 |
Account for the Year ended 31 August 2014 | 72 |
Editorial | 74 |
Mapping Aylsham: some clarification by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 75 |
Talk on writing in Aylsham church by Daphne Davy | 86 |
The Road to Cromer by Jim Pannell | 90 |
Tom Mollard† | 91 |
Society News | 99 |
Aylsham Baptist Church by Lynda Wix and Jim Pannell | 99 |
The Working Horse in Norfolk – a talk by Stephen Pope | 101 |
The Paston Family – a talk by Rob Knee | 104 |
Notices | 108 |
Editorial | 110 |
The First White Horse in Aylsham Millgate by William Vaughan-Lewis | 111 |
The usefulness of ephemera! by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 124 |
Editing Aylsham Local History Society Publications with Tom Mollard by Geoff Gale | 127 |
Alan Quinn† by Ian McManus | 130 |
Primitive Methodism in North Norfolk – a talk by David Yarram – Lynda Wix | 131 |
Visit to Blakeney – Caroline Driscoll | 133 |
Notices | 136 |
Editorial | 138 |
Woodgate House 1500–1900 – a talk given by William Vaughan-Lewis after AGM | 139 |
Iconography in St. Michael’s Church, Aylsham by Daphne Davy | 145 |
Visit to Oxnead Hall by Caroline Driscoll | 149 |
A walk through time – Part of the circular walk from Aylsham Heritage Centre for 2015 Heritage Open Days by Sheila Merriman | 152 |
Some Norfolk Sayings by Molly Long | 158 |
Annual General Meeting | 159 |
List of Members | 162 |
Notices | 163 |
Accounts | 164 |
Editorial | 166 |
Property, Death and Taxes: a New Look at Early Modern Sources for Aylsham by Maggie and William Vaughan-Lewis | 167 |
The Belfry Book of St Michael’s and All Angels Chuch, Aylsham by Jim Pannell | 173 |
Nissen Huts at Blickling Hall by Lynda Wix | 175 |
The Agincourt Campaign and Norfolk by John Alban | 177 |
Shakespeare and Medieval East Anglian Drama, a talk by Dr Rebecca Pinner – Lynda Wix | 183 |
Tour of the Van Dal Shoe Factory by Caroline Driscoll | 186 |
Notices | 188 |
Editorial | 190 |
Property, Death and Taxes: A New Look at Early Modern Sources for Aylsham by Maggie and William Vaughan-Lewis | 191 |
Aylsham Poor Law prior to the new Workhouse by Lynda Wix | 198 |
Agincourt; Unravelling the Myth by Matthew Champion | 205 |
Costuming in Shakespeare, a talk by Amanda Greenway – Sue Sharpe | 213 |
Brinton Hall by Sue Sharpe and Caroline Driscoll | 214 |
Notices | 216 |
Editorial | 218 |
Property, Death and Taxes: A New Look at Early Modern Sources for Aylsham No 3 Taxes by Maggie and William Vaughan-Lewis | 219 |
Extracts from Norfolk Annals by Mackie vol. 1 1800–1850 by Lynda Wix | 226 |
Heritage open day talk 10.9.2016 – write up of the actual talk by Daphne | |
Davy | 230 |
Aylsham Roman Project by Peter Purdy | 235 |
Aylsham Roman Project Season 1 – Summer 2016 by Martin Brook & Dan McConnell | 235 |
Annual General Meeting | 239 |
List of Members | 242 |
Notice | 243 |
Receipts and Payments Account – Year ended 31 August 2016 | 244 |
Preamble by Geoff Sadler | 246 |
The Belt Lodge by Roger Polhill | 247 |
The pauper graveyard at Sapwell Close by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 251 |
Painting the church by Daphne Davy | 257 |
The History of Wool in Norfolk – a talk by Roger Arguile by Jim Pannell | 260 |
Bessingham: The Story of a Norfolk Estate, 1766–1970 by Jonathan Spurrell | 262 |
Looking back by Olive Skoyles | 265 |
Early Modern Wills: a Codicil by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 272 |
Preamble by Geoff Sadler | 274 |
Restoration Day and Aylsham’s Victorian ‘Big Society’ by William and Maggie Vaughan-Lewis | 275 |
Ethel Tipple by Sue Sharpe and Roger Polhill | 286 |
Betty Gee† | 289 |
Stuart Wilson† | 292 |
Discovering Norfolk’s Human Ancestors: a talk by Martin Warren – Sheila Merriman | 294 |
The Guildhall and the Saint George’s Gild. A talk given by Barbara Miller on 23 February 2017 – Sheila Merriman | 296 |
Tour of the Great Hospital Norwich and the Cathedral Library by Caroline Driscoll and Sue Sharpe | 306 |
A Backwards Glance 93, 127
Abel Heath 139
Abolition of monasteries 307
About Aylsham 69
Accounts 72, 164, 244
Acle, Thomas 299
Addams, Dr 253
Adey, John 45, 54
Aegel House 287
Agar, George 41
Age Concern Norfolk 288
Agincourt Campaign 177–182
Agincourt; Unravelling the Myth 205–212
Agricultural Labourers’ Union 132
Agricultural Revolution 66
Ailsa Craig wherry 47
Alaminghouse 272
Alban, John Agincourt Campaign and Norfolk 177–182
Albion 293
Albone, James on Roman Roads in Norfolk 274
Alby Horseshoes 293
Aldermen 304
Alethorpe 64
Alexander 118
ALHS, see Aylsham Local History Society
Allen, James 195
Allen, Kitpole 13
Alleyn, Thomas 233
Allotments, Cromer Road 287, 288
Amess, Sarah 119
Anchor pub 280
Ancient Order of Foresters 278, 283
Ancient Trees 25–30
Andrews, Jayne 70
Anglian Ice Age 294
Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Great Ryburgh 274
Anne of Bohemia 307
Annual Dinner 31, 68, 108, 188
Annual General Meeting 68–70, 159–162, 239–242
Anson family 262
Appleyard, William 297, 299, 300
Apprentices 200
Archdeacons’ Transcripts 224
Archers 221–222
Archery, Buttlands 42
Archives Group 289
Archivist 92
Arguile, Roger The History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261
Armstrong, Reverend 94
Art & Archaeology of the Birth of England by Matt Champion 274
Art & Archaeology of the Medieval Church 159
Ash, Susan 199
Ashe, Shelagh, Gardens through History 243
Ashley, Jane 118
Ashley, Stephen 118
Aspinall, Mrs 149–151
Assembly Rooms 306
Athill, Anthony 117
Austen, John Soame 156
Austin family 117
Autumn Course 32, 108, 188
Avington-Pansy 3
Aylsham & N Walsham Agricultural Society 4
Aylsham Almanack 3
Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100, 136, 163
Aylsham Choral Society 277
Aylsham Coal Club 3
Aylsham Detachment 4
Aylsham Economic Benefit Society 280–281, 283
Aylsham Economic Club 280–281, 283
Aylsham Friendly Society 279–280
Aylsham Heritage Centre, see Heritage Centre
Aylsham High School 250
Aylsham Hungate by W. & M. Vaughan-Lewis 188
Aylsham in 1821 127
Aylsham in the First World War 5–16
Aylsham Infants School 265
Aylsham Ladies Penny Club 285
Aylsham Lancaster Manor 38, 42, 168–171
Aylsham Library 92
Aylsham Local History Society 92
Aylsham Local History Society 3oth Anniversary Celebration 31
Aylsham Local History Society Dinner 31, 68, 108, 188
Aylsham Local History Society Exhibition 127
Aylsham Local History Society website 32
Aylsham Lodges 276
Aylsham Manor 17-21
Aylsham manor house 53
Aylsham Medical Club 276
Aylsham Memories 93
Aylsham National School 20
Aylsham Navigation Context, talk by Tom Williamson 65–67
Aylsham Navigation Project 292
Aylsham Old Anchor Club 280
Aylsham Parish Council 287
Aylsham Poor Law prior to the new Workhouse 198–204
Aylsham Poor Law Union 202
Aylsham Rectory 196
Aylsham Remembered 93
Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
Aylsham South Railway Station (G.E.R.) 4, 7, 16, 40, 41
Aylsham Town Archive 32, 92
Aylsham Town Band 281
Aylsham Union Workhouse, see Union Workhouse
Aysham Church bells 272
Aysham Derby 284
Abel Heath 139
Abolition of monasteries 307
About Aylsham 69
Accounts 72, 164, 244
Acle, Thomas 299
Addams, Dr 253
Adey, John 45, 54
Aegel House 287
Agar, George 41
Age Concern Norfolk 288
Agincourt Campaign 177–182
Agincourt; Unravelling the Myth 205–212
Agricultural Labourers’ Union 132
Agricultural Revolution 66
Ailsa Craig wherry 47
Alaminghouse 272
Alban, John Agincourt Campaign and Norfolk 177–182
Albion 293
Albone, James on Roman Roads in Norfolk 274
Alby Horseshoes 293
Aldermen 304
Alethorpe 64
Alexander 118
ALHS, see Aylsham Local History Society
Allen, James 195
Allen, Kitpole 13
Alleyn, Thomas 233
Allotments, Cromer Road 287, 288
Amess, Sarah 119
Anchor pub 280
Ancient Order of Foresters 278, 283
Ancient Trees 25–30
Andrews, Jayne 70
Anglian Ice Age 294
Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Great Ryburgh 274
Anne of Bohemia 307
Annual Dinner 31, 68, 108, 188
Annual General Meeting 68–70, 159–162, 239–242
Anson family 262
Appleyard, William 297, 299, 300
Apprentices 200
Archdeacons’ Transcripts 224
Archers 221–222
Archery, Buttlands 42
Archives Group 289
Archivist 92
Arguile, Roger The History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261
Armstrong, Reverend 94
Art & Archaeology of the Birth of England by Matt Champion 274
Art & Archaeology of the Medieval Church 159
Ash, Susan 199
Ashe, Shelagh, Gardens through History 243
Ashley, Jane 118
Ashley, Stephen 118
Aspinall, Mrs 149–151
Assembly Rooms 306
Athill, Anthony 117
Austen, John Soame 156
Austin family 117
Autumn Course 32, 108, 188
Avington-Pansy 3
Aylsham & N Walsham Agricultural Society 4
Aylsham Almanack 3
Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100, 136, 163
Aylsham Choral Society 277
Aylsham Coal Club 3
Aylsham Detachment 4
Aylsham Economic Benefit Society 280–281, 283
Aylsham Economic Club 280–281, 283
Aylsham Friendly Society 279–280
Aylsham Heritage Centre, see Heritage Centre
Aylsham High School 250
Aylsham Hungate by W. & M. Vaughan-Lewis 188
Aylsham in 1821 127
Aylsham in the First World War 5–16
Aylsham Infants School 265
Aylsham Ladies Penny Club 285
Aylsham Lancaster Manor 38, 42, 168–171
Aylsham Library 92
Aylsham Local History Society 92
Aylsham Local History Society 3oth Anniversary Celebration 31
Aylsham Local History Society Dinner 31, 68, 108, 188
Aylsham Local History Society Exhibition 127
Aylsham Local History Society website 32
Aylsham Lodges 276
Aylsham Manor 17-21
Aylsham manor house 53
Aylsham Medical Club 276
Aylsham Memories 93
Aylsham National School 20
Aylsham Navigation Context, talk by Tom Williamson 65–67
Aylsham Navigation Project 292
Aylsham Old Anchor Club 280
Aylsham Parish Council 287
Aylsham Poor Law prior to the new Workhouse 198–204
Aylsham Poor Law Union 202
Aylsham Rectory 196
Aylsham Remembered 93
Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
Aylsham South Railway Station (G.E.R.) 4, 7, 16, 40, 41
Aylsham Town Archive 32, 92
Aylsham Town Band 281
Aylsham Union Workhouse, see Union Workhouse
Aysham Church bells 272
Aysham Derby 284
Back Lane 38
Backwards Glance 93, 127
Bacon family 262
Bacon, R.N. 204
Bailiff 297, 299
Baker, Adam 300
Baker, Charles 13
Baker, James 13
Baker, John 6
Baker, Matilda 6
Baker, Mr & Mrs P. 71, 162, 242
Baker, Mr D. 242
Baker, Percy Willie 6, 13
Baker, Robert 35
Bakewell tart recipe 23
Banqueting hall, Oxnead 107
Baptist Chapel 84,160
Baptist Church 99–100
Baptist community 277
Baptists together 99
Barber 255
Barber, Mrs S. 71, 162, 242
Barclay Perkins & Co. 263
Barker 255
Barker, Robert 300
Barker, Thomas 171
Barnes, Gerry 25
Barnes, Maureen 17
Barnet, battle of 105
Barningham Hall 107
Barringer, Chris 49, 92, 128
Barringer, Tim 49
Bartell, Edmund jnr 248
Bartram, Caroline 120
Bartram, Edith Maria 120, 121
Bartram, Ellen Spaul 120
Bartram, Martha Ann 120
Bartram, Robert 120
Bartram, William 119, 120
Barwick, Mrs G. 71, 162, 242
Bassingham, John 305
Bastardy book 200
Battle of Stoke 105
Baxter, Mrs 250
Baxter, Robert 300
Bayes, Mrs R. 71, 162, 242
Bayfield Park 29–30
Bayfield, widow 121
Beane, Andrew 87
Beasy, Robert 40
Beasy’s Rookery 40
Beauchamp, Col. Sir Horace 16
Beeches School 3
Belfry Book, St Michael’s 173–174
Bell, Ms Sara 71, 162
Bell, Richard 115
Belt Estate 247
Belt Farm 116, 117, 140, 248
Belt Lodge 245, 247–250
Belton, Valerie 289
Benefit of clergy 86
Bennett, John 197
Berry, Agnes 104
Berry, Sarah 195
Berry, Sir Edmund 104
Berwick, Hannah 142
Berwick, John 142
Berwick, Susan 142
Bessingham History Project 264
Bessingham: The Story of a Norfolk Estate 262–264
Bettes, Agnes 113
Bettes, George 113
Bettes, Joan 112
Bettes, John 112, 113
Bettes, John snr 272
Bettes, Richard 112
Bettes, Simon 112, 113
Bicycle races 284
Bilhagh, John 299
Bilham, John 299
Billman 221
Bingley, Maria Matilda 18
Bircham, George 46
Bircham, John 46–48
Bircham, W.G. 77
Bircham, William 46
Bircham, William jnr 120
Bird, Margaret reviews of Vaughan-Lewis books 51–56; 69, 71; talk on Coltishall as a major brewing centre 108; 162, 242, 273, 274
Birdwell, John 117
Bishop, Tom 128
Black Boys 31, 84, 281, 283
Black Death 63, 297, 307
Blake 255
Blake, Mrs J. 242
Blakeney 110
Blakeney Church 135
Blakeney Harbour Co. 133
Blakeney Quay 134
Blessed Virgin 58
Blickling 98, 226–229
Blickling Hall nissen huts 175–176
Blickling Lodge 52
Bliss, Tim 166
Blofield’s butcher shop 267
Blomefield 104, 298, 300
Blyth, T.H. 156
Board of Guardians 75
Boller, John 194
Bolwick Hall 38
Bolwick Manor 171
Bond, Dennis 6
Bond, Frank Thomas 6, 13
Bond, Granville 6
Bond, Sarah 6
Bone, Ernest 126
Bone, May 126
Bone, Percy 126
Bone, Richard 126
Bone, Sidney Dyball 126
Book reviews 51–56
Botwright, Ms E. 71, 162
Boulderson, Mrs 15
Bowan, Miss H. 71, 162, 242
Bowling Green 44
Bowling greens 283–284
Bowman, Abraham 18
Bowman, Aubrey Cyril Sikkim 19, 20, 21
Bowman, Gwendoline Maud Ethel 20, 21
Bowman, Henry James 15, 17–20
Bowman, John 18
Bowman, Joseph 17, 18
Bowman, Major/Col. 4, 15
Bowman, Mrs 4
Bowman, Veronica Lucy 20, 21
Bowman, Wiliam 18
Bowmans of Aylsham Manor 17–21
Boy Scouts 3
Brady, Mr P. 242
Brampton 293
Brampton brick kilns 39, 140
Brancaster 64
Branson, Bob 257
Brasier, Robert 298
Brasses in St Michael’s 194
Brereton family 135, 214
Brereton, Anna Margaretta 214
Brereton, Rev. P. 3
Breweries 108
Brewery at Great Hospital 307
Brews, Margery 105
Brick Kiln Piece 141
Bricks 38, 45, 67, 152–154
Brickyard, Woodgate 141
Bridewell 56, 198, 277
Brinton Hall 166
Brinton Hall 166, 188, 189, 214–215
Brithric 87, 230
British Legion 41
British Red Cross Society 3
Broads 67
Brook, Martin Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
Brooker, Dr & Mrs K. 71, 162
Brown, Lanceolot ‘Capability’ 25
Brown, Mr R. 242
Browne, Thomas 107
Buck, Mr & Mrs F.E. 13
Buck, Rev. R. 3
Buckingham, Frank Edward 125
Buffin, Robert 48
Bull, Alan 300
Bull, inn 268
Bulwer family 17, 36, 225
Bulwer, James 41, 56, 253
Bure Meadows 293
Bure Navigation Conservation Trust 25, 65, 108, 292
Bure Valley Railway 35, 40
Bure Valley School 287
Bure Way 82
Burgess, Ben 93
Burr, Maureen 17, 20
Burr, Richard 17, 18, 20, 21
Burr, Robert 221
Burton, Mr G. 242
Butler (Butteler, Boteler), John 113
Buttlands 42
Butts 221, 284
Butts, William 214
Backwards Glance 93, 127
Bacon family 262
Bacon, R.N. 204
Bailiff 297, 299
Baker, Adam 300
Baker, Charles 13
Baker, James 13
Baker, John 6
Baker, Matilda 6
Baker, Mr & Mrs P. 71, 162, 242
Baker, Mr D. 242
Baker, Percy Willie 6, 13
Baker, Robert 35
Bakewell tart recipe 23
Banqueting hall, Oxnead 107
Baptist Chapel 84,160
Baptist Church 99–100
Baptist community 277
Baptists together 99
Barber 255
Barber, Mrs S. 71, 162, 242
Barclay Perkins & Co. 263
Barker 255
Barker, Robert 300
Barker, Thomas 171
Barnes, Gerry 25
Barnes, Maureen 17
Barnet, battle of 105
Barningham Hall 107
Barringer, Chris 49, 92, 128
Barringer, Tim 49
Bartell, Edmund jnr 248
Bartram, Caroline 120
Bartram, Edith Maria 120, 121
Bartram, Ellen Spaul 120
Bartram, Martha Ann 120
Bartram, Robert 120
Bartram, William 119, 120
Barwick, Mrs G. 71, 162, 242
Bassingham, John 305
Bastardy book 200
Battle of Stoke 105
Baxter, Mrs 250
Baxter, Robert 300
Bayes, Mrs R. 71, 162, 242
Bayfield Park 29–30
Bayfield, widow 121
Beane, Andrew 87
Beasy, Robert 40
Beasy’s Rookery 40
Beauchamp, Col. Sir Horace 16
Beeches School 3
Belfry Book, St Michael’s 173–174
Bell, Ms Sara 71, 162
Bell, Richard 115
Belt Estate 247
Belt Farm 116, 117, 140, 248
Belt Lodge 245, 247–250
Belton, Valerie 289
Benefit of clergy 86
Bennett, John 197
Berry, Agnes 104
Berry, Sarah 195
Berry, Sir Edmund 104
Berwick, Hannah 142
Berwick, John 142
Berwick, Susan 142
Bessingham History Project 264
Bessingham: The Story of a Norfolk Estate 262–264
Bettes, Agnes 113
Bettes, George 113
Bettes, Joan 112
Bettes, John 112, 113
Bettes, John snr 272
Bettes, Richard 112
Bettes, Simon 112, 113
Bicycle races 284
Bilhagh, John 299
Bilham, John 299
Billman 221
Bingley, Maria Matilda 18
Bircham, George 46
Bircham, John 46–48
Bircham, W.G. 77
Bircham, William 46
Bircham, William jnr 120
Bird, Margaret reviews of Vaughan-Lewis books 51–56; 69, 71; talk on Coltishall as a major brewing centre 108; 162, 242, 273, 274
Birdwell, John 117
Bishop, Tom 128
Black Boys 31, 84, 281, 283
Black Death 63, 297, 307
Blake 255
Blake, Mrs J. 242
Blakeney 110
Blakeney Church 135
Blakeney Harbour Co. 133
Blakeney Quay 134
Blessed Virgin 58
Blickling 98, 226–229
Blickling Hall nissen huts 175–176
Blickling Lodge 52
Bliss, Tim 166
Blofield’s butcher shop 267
Blomefield 104, 298, 300
Blyth, T.H. 156
Board of Guardians 75
Boller, John 194
Bolwick Hall 38
Bolwick Manor 171
Bond, Dennis 6
Bond, Frank Thomas 6, 13
Bond, Granville 6
Bond, Sarah 6
Bone, Ernest 126
Bone, May 126
Bone, Percy 126
Bone, Richard 126
Bone, Sidney Dyball 126
Book reviews 51–56
Botwright, Ms E. 71, 162
Boulderson, Mrs 15
Bowan, Miss H. 71, 162, 242
Bowling Green 44
Bowling greens 283–284
Bowman, Abraham 18
Bowman, Aubrey Cyril Sikkim 19, 20, 21
Bowman, Gwendoline Maud Ethel 20, 21
Bowman, Henry James 15, 17–20
Bowman, John 18
Bowman, Joseph 17, 18
Bowman, Major/Col. 4, 15
Bowman, Mrs 4
Bowman, Veronica Lucy 20, 21
Bowman, Wiliam 18
Bowmans of Aylsham Manor 17–21
Boy Scouts 3
Brady, Mr P. 242
Brampton 293
Brampton brick kilns 39, 140
Brancaster 64
Branson, Bob 257
Brasier, Robert 298
Brasses in St Michael’s 194
Brereton family 135, 214
Brereton, Anna Margaretta 214
Brereton, Rev. P. 3
Breweries 108
Brewery at Great Hospital 307
Brews, Margery 105
Brick Kiln Piece 141
Bricks 38, 45, 67, 152–154
Brickyard, Woodgate 141
Bridewell 56, 198, 277
Brinton Hall 166
Brinton Hall 166, 188, 189, 214–215
Brithric 87, 230
British Legion 41
British Red Cross Society 3
Broads 67
Brook, Martin Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
Brooker, Dr & Mrs K. 71, 162
Brown, Lanceolot ‘Capability’ 25
Brown, Mr R. 242
Browne, Thomas 107
Buck, Mr & Mrs F.E. 13
Buck, Rev. R. 3
Buckingham, Frank Edward 125
Buffin, Robert 48
Bull, Alan 300
Bull, inn 268
Bulwer family 17, 36, 225
Bulwer, James 41, 56, 253
Bure Meadows 293
Bure Navigation Conservation Trust 25, 65, 108, 292
Bure Valley Railway 35, 40
Bure Valley School 287
Bure Way 82
Burgess, Ben 93
Burr, Maureen 17, 20
Burr, Richard 17, 18, 20, 21
Burr, Robert 221
Burton, Mr G. 242
Butler (Butteler, Boteler), John 113
Buttlands 42
Butts 221, 284
Butts, William 214
Caister Castle 105
Calthorpe family 135
Calvert, Ms R. 71, 162, 242
Capp, David 31
Car-hire service, first 266
Carlyle, Mr D. 162
Carmelite Friary 134, 135
Carr’s Corner 156, 267
Carter, Henry 215
Case, Dr D.E. 71, 162
Case, P.M. 227
Castle, Norwich 296
Castlereagh, Lord and Lady 228
Cathedral Library 92, 306–308
Cathedral of Norwich 297
Catton Print 69
Cawston Manor Hospital 11, 14
Cawston population 221
Cawston Road Brethren Chapel 99
Cemetery, new 277
Census 223
Centre for East Anglian Studies 292
Chainleader 78, 79
Chamberlain, Martha 6
Chamberlain, Walter (snr) 6
Chamberlain, Walter Cecil 6, 13
Chamberlin’s Beeches School 3
Champion, Matt 32, 87, 88, 159; on Agincourt 205–212; on Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Ryburgh 274; Art & Archaeology of the Birth of England 274
Chapel for Workhouse 256
Chapman’s Lane 43
Charles II
Charter of Incorporation, Norwich 297
Cheetham, Mrs J.C. 4, 14
Chicheley, Dolly 53
Chief Local Events during 1914 3
Choral Society 277
Chosell’s house/messuage 44
Church Commissioners 252
Church Hill 90
Church School 264, 266, 267, 288
Churchill Park School 288
Churchill, Rev. 228
Cinema 44
Cinema, first 266
City Hall 303
City records, regalia 303, 305
Civil War 107
Clark, John 48, 252, 253
Clarke, Gregory 301
Clarke, Joseph 119
Clarke, Thomas 116
Clements, Charles 281
Cleveland 102
Cloth Hall, Norwich 304
Clothing Book 200
Clover, John 252, 253
Clover, Mr D. 162
Clowes, E.N. 203
Clutterbuck, Charles 232
Clydesdale 101
Coach, Norwich–Cromer 227
Coastal Landscape of East Anglia 163
Cob 102
Cock fighting 229
Colchester, John 300
Coleman, Frederick 126
Coles, Professor Bryony 294
Collegiate House/School 41, 42, 56, 276
Collett, John 194
Collin, John Francis 125
Colman & Soames 47
Columbine Hall 61–62, 70
Commemorative Event, Aylsham Navigation 293
Commercial Road 82, 113
Common Council of Norwich 297, 304
Common Inn, Norwich 300
Community Fair 242
Comon Quay, King Street 299
Compton Census 63
Cook, Ada Maria 142, 143
Cook, Ben 249
Cook, Molly 156
Cook, Mrs 142, 143
Co-op 268
Coope, Russell 294
Cooper Motors 269
Cooper, Carlos 47, 48
Copeman, Peter 152
Copeman, Robert 84, 276
Copeman, Thomas 142
Copyhold and freehold 168
Corbin, Mrs H. 71, 162
Corbin, Nicolas 69, 98
Corn Hall 277
Cornwallis family 171
Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214
County Assizes 304
County Council 288
Court Rolls 167–172
Courts of Norwich 297
Cox, Mrs F. 71, 162, 242
Cragg, Mr J. 68, 71, 242
Craske, Jean 176
Craske, Russell 176
Cressy, Thomas 199, 200
Crick, Nick 69
Crofts family 171
Cromer Forest Bed 295
Cromer Road 90
Croshold, John 197
Crouch, Mr R. 71, 242
Crouch, Roger 232, 242
Crown Inn, Banningham 31, 110, 160
Curle, Cheeke 115
Curties family 116
Curties, James 117, 118
Customs & Excise 293
Calthorpe family 135
Calvert, Ms R. 71, 162, 242
Capp, David 31
Car-hire service, first 266
Carlyle, Mr D. 162
Carmelite Friary 134, 135
Carr’s Corner 156, 267
Carter, Henry 215
Case, Dr D.E. 71, 162
Case, P.M. 227
Castle, Norwich 296
Castlereagh, Lord and Lady 228
Cathedral Library 92, 306–308
Cathedral of Norwich 297
Catton Print 69
Cawston Manor Hospital 11, 14
Cawston population 221
Cawston Road Brethren Chapel 99
Cemetery, new 277
Census 223
Centre for East Anglian Studies 292
Chainleader 78, 79
Chamberlain, Martha 6
Chamberlain, Walter (snr) 6
Chamberlain, Walter Cecil 6, 13
Chamberlin’s Beeches School 3
Champion, Matt 32, 87, 88, 159; on Agincourt 205–212; on Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Ryburgh 274; Art & Archaeology of the Birth of England 274
Chapel for Workhouse 256
Chapman’s Lane 43
Charles II
Charter of Incorporation, Norwich 297
Cheetham, Mrs J.C. 4, 14
Chicheley, Dolly 53
Chief Local Events during 1914 3
Choral Society 277
Chosell’s house/messuage 44
Church Commissioners 252
Church Hill 90
Church School 264, 266, 267, 288
Churchill Park School 288
Churchill, Rev. 228
Cinema 44
Cinema, first 266
City Hall 303
City records, regalia 303, 305
Civil War 107
Clark, John 48, 252, 253
Clarke, Gregory 301
Clarke, Joseph 119
Clarke, Thomas 116
Clements, Charles 281
Cleveland 102
Cloth Hall, Norwich 304
Clothing Book 200
Clover, John 252, 253
Clover, Mr D. 162
Clowes, E.N. 203
Clutterbuck, Charles 232
Clydesdale 101
Coach, Norwich–Cromer 227
Coastal Landscape of East Anglia 163
Cob 102
Cock fighting 229
Colchester, John 300
Coleman, Frederick 126
Coles, Professor Bryony 294
Collegiate House/School 41, 42, 56, 276
Collett, John 194
Collin, John Francis 125
Colman & Soames 47
Columbine Hall 61–62, 70
Commemorative Event, Aylsham Navigation 293
Commercial Road 82, 113
Common Council of Norwich 297, 304
Common Inn, Norwich 300
Community Fair 242
Comon Quay, King Street 299
Compton Census 63
Cook, Ada Maria 142, 143
Cook, Ben 249
Cook, Molly 156
Cook, Mrs 142, 143
Co-op 268
Coope, Russell 294
Cooper Motors 269
Cooper, Carlos 47, 48
Copeman, Peter 152
Copeman, Robert 84, 276
Copeman, Thomas 142
Copyhold and freehold 168
Corbin, Mrs H. 71, 162
Corbin, Nicolas 69, 98
Corn Hall 277
Cornwallis family 171
Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214
County Assizes 304
County Council 288
Court Rolls 167–172
Courts of Norwich 297
Cox, Mrs F. 71, 162, 242
Cragg, Mr J. 68, 71, 242
Craske, Jean 176
Craske, Russell 176
Cressy, Thomas 199, 200
Crick, Nick 69
Crofts family 171
Cromer Forest Bed 295
Cromer Road 90
Croshold, John 197
Crouch, Mr R. 71, 242
Crouch, Roger 232, 242
Crown Inn, Banningham 31, 110, 160
Curle, Cheeke 115
Curties family 116
Curties, James 117, 118
Customs & Excise 293
Dadley, James 40
Dale, Stanley 175, 176
Daniel, John 298
Daniel, Stephen 299
Daniel, Walter 298, 299
Daniel, William 95
Dardanelles 16
Davy, Daphne 257
Davy, Daphne 68, 69; Talk on Writing in Aylsham Church 86–89; Iconography in St. Michael’s 145–148; Heritage Open Day talk 230–234; Painting the Church 257–259
Davy, Mr & Mrs R. 71, 162, 242
Davy, Rex 257
Day, John 118
Daynes, Daniel 115
Daynes, Elzabeth 115
Daynes, Samuel 282
Dazeley, Arthur J. 265–272
De Burgh, Hubert 98
De Columbers 61
De Somerton, Beatrice 104
De Somerton, John 104
De Suffield, Bishop Walter 306
Deary, Robert 118
Death: wills and inventories 191–192
Defence Fund 4
Dennis, Donna 175
Deserted Villages 63–64
Dester, Joseph 265
Dester, Mrs 266
Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295
District Council 288
Doctor’s Surgery, Hungate 42
Doctors Commons 253
Doe, Ted 100
Dog Hill 265
Dog Hotel 265, 266, 281, 283
Dogger Bank 294
Doggerland 294
Domesday 2nd 85
Domesday Book 63
Donthorn Court 189
Douët, Mr & Mrs A. 71, 162
Douët, Mr A. 242
Doughty family 171
Doughty, John 195
Doughty, Robert 196, 221
Downham Market library 92
Dr Barnardo’s Homes 4
Dragon Hall 49
Dray 1102
Drewe, Richard 299
Driscoll, Caroline 110
Driscoll, Caroline 71, 110; Visit to Oxnead Hall 149–151; 162, 166; report on visit to Van Dal shoe factory 186–187; Brinton Hall visit 214–215; Report on Visits 241; 242; Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Druery, Mr 47, 48
Drury, Bridget 114
Drury, Frances 114
Drury, Henry 113
Drury, Mary 114
Drury, Stephen 113, 114
Duchy of Lancaster 38, 168
Ducker family 12
Ducker, Geoffrey 68, 69, 87, 162, 242
Ducker, James 6
Ducker, Letitia 6
Ducker, Thomas (jnr) 6
Ducker, Thomas E. 6, 12, 13
Duke of Edinburgh 93
Duke of Lancaster 230
Duke of Norfolk 105
Duke of Suffolk 105
Duke of Wellington 228
Duncan, Mrs B. 71, 162, 242
Dunham, Mary 52
Dunkirk 293
Dunston, Robert 298
Durrant, Sir Henry 282
Dutch gable 43
Dyball, Ann 62, 70, 71, 99, 110, 160, 162, 242
Dyer, Ms F. 242
Dale, Stanley 175, 176
Daniel, John 298
Daniel, Stephen 299
Daniel, Walter 298, 299
Daniel, William 95
Dardanelles 16
Davy, Daphne 257
Davy, Daphne 68, 69; Talk on Writing in Aylsham Church 86–89; Iconography in St. Michael’s 145–148; Heritage Open Day talk 230–234; Painting the Church 257–259
Davy, Mr & Mrs R. 71, 162, 242
Davy, Rex 257
Day, John 118
Daynes, Daniel 115
Daynes, Elzabeth 115
Daynes, Samuel 282
Dazeley, Arthur J. 265–272
De Burgh, Hubert 98
De Columbers 61
De Somerton, Beatrice 104
De Somerton, John 104
De Suffield, Bishop Walter 306
Deary, Robert 118
Death: wills and inventories 191–192
Defence Fund 4
Dennis, Donna 175
Deserted Villages 63–64
Dester, Joseph 265
Dester, Mrs 266
Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295
District Council 288
Doctor’s Surgery, Hungate 42
Doctors Commons 253
Doe, Ted 100
Dog Hill 265
Dog Hotel 265, 266, 281, 283
Dogger Bank 294
Doggerland 294
Domesday 2nd 85
Domesday Book 63
Donthorn Court 189
Douët, Mr & Mrs A. 71, 162
Douët, Mr A. 242
Doughty family 171
Doughty, John 195
Doughty, Robert 196, 221
Downham Market library 92
Dr Barnardo’s Homes 4
Dragon Hall 49
Dray 1102
Drewe, Richard 299
Driscoll, Caroline 110
Driscoll, Caroline 71, 110; Visit to Oxnead Hall 149–151; 162, 166; report on visit to Van Dal shoe factory 186–187; Brinton Hall visit 214–215; Report on Visits 241; 242; Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Druery, Mr 47, 48
Drury, Bridget 114
Drury, Frances 114
Drury, Henry 113
Drury, Mary 114
Drury, Stephen 113, 114
Duchy of Lancaster 38, 168
Ducker family 12
Ducker, Geoffrey 68, 69, 87, 162, 242
Ducker, James 6
Ducker, Letitia 6
Ducker, Thomas (jnr) 6
Ducker, Thomas E. 6, 12, 13
Duke of Edinburgh 93
Duke of Lancaster 230
Duke of Norfolk 105
Duke of Suffolk 105
Duke of Wellington 228
Duncan, Mrs B. 71, 162, 242
Dunham, Mary 52
Dunkirk 293
Dunston, Robert 298
Durrant, Sir Henry 282
Dutch gable 43
Dyball, Ann 62, 70, 71, 99, 110, 160, 162, 242
Dyer, Ms F. 242
Eades 48
Eager, Agnur (Agnus) 118
Eager, John 118
Earl of Yarmouth 107
Earl Stonham 70
Early Modern Wiils: a Codicil 272
East Anglian Magazine 92
Ecclesiastical Commissioners 256
Economic Club 280, 283
Editing ALHS Publications 127–129
Editor, ALHS Journal 289
Edwards, Benjamin 228
Edwards, George 132
Edwards, Mr & Mrs J. 242
Election of Officers 70, 161, 241
Elliott, Kate 62
Ellis, Ms J. 71, 162
Elphinstone, Mr N. 243
Elsey, Mr & Mrs B. 70, 71, 162, 243
Elvin, Robert 253
Elwin family 142
Emerson photographs 49
Emigrants 202
Emmanuel Church Aylsham 99
Emonson, Jean 250
Empson, Margaret 195
Empson, Peter 195
Enclosure 66
Encouragement of Industry 276
Ephemera 125–126
Erpingham church 177
Erpingham, History of 93
Erpingham, Sir Thomas 297, 299
Ethel Tipple by Sue Sharpe & Roger Polhill 286–288
Ethel Tipple Court 288
Ethel Tipple School 288
Evans, Mr 47, 48
Exchequer, Norwich 301
Ex-Serviceman’s Club 41
Eager, Agnur (Agnus) 118
Eager, John 118
Earl of Yarmouth 107
Earl Stonham 70
Early Modern Wiils: a Codicil 272
East Anglian Magazine 92
Ecclesiastical Commissioners 256
Economic Club 280, 283
Editing ALHS Publications 127–129
Editor, ALHS Journal 289
Edwards, Benjamin 228
Edwards, George 132
Edwards, Mr & Mrs J. 242
Election of Officers 70, 161, 241
Elliott, Kate 62
Ellis, Ms J. 71, 162
Elphinstone, Mr N. 243
Elsey, Mr & Mrs B. 70, 71, 162, 243
Elvin, Robert 253
Elwin family 142
Emerson photographs 49
Emigrants 202
Emmanuel Church Aylsham 99
Emonson, Jean 250
Empson, Margaret 195
Empson, Peter 195
Enclosure 66
Encouragement of Industry 276
Ephemera 125–126
Erpingham church 177
Erpingham, History of 93
Erpingham, Sir Thomas 297, 299
Ethel Tipple by Sue Sharpe & Roger Polhill 286–288
Ethel Tipple Court 288
Ethel Tipple School 288
Evans, Mr 47, 48
Exchequer, Norwich 301
Ex-Serviceman’s Club 41
Fabric Roll of Norwich 299
Faden’s map 65–67
Fair 266
Faircloth, Barry 250
Faircloth, Susan 250
Fakenham 64
Falstolff, John 104, 105, 299
Farman, Katherine 112
Farman, Robert 112
Feek, Dick 282
Felbrigg Great Wood 30
Fenn, John 104, 107
Fewster, Mary Norfolk’s Industrial Past 136
Field, Willliam George 6, 13
Fielde, John 119
Finch, Walter Juan 142, 143
Fire engine, Norwich 304
First World War 3–16
Fiske, Mr R. 243
Fiske, Ron 93
FitzGerald, Fiona course on History of Paintings 188
Flashpit Farm 176
Flaxman, Elizabeth 262
Flaxman, Geoffrey 115
Flaxman, Margaret 115
Flaxman, Nathaniel 116
Flaxman, Thomas 115, 116
Flaxman, Thomas jnr 116
Fletcher, Gillian 31, 68, 70, 71,110, 162, 243
Fletcher’s 113–117
Flockmasters 64
Flood of 1912 271
Footpaths 35
Foresters Hall 283
Foresters, Order of 278
Forster, Charles 116, 117
Forster, Mary 116, 117
Forster, Moore 117
Forster, Thomas 116, 117
Fox, Martyn 290
Fox, Sue 290
Free School 155
Freemen of Norwich 297
Friendly Societies 275–285
Friendship Club 287
Fritton 64
Frogs (in bricks) 40, 154
Funeral expenses 278
Faden’s map 65–67
Fair 266
Faircloth, Barry 250
Faircloth, Susan 250
Fakenham 64
Falstolff, John 104, 105, 299
Farman, Katherine 112
Farman, Robert 112
Feek, Dick 282
Felbrigg Great Wood 30
Fenn, John 104, 107
Fewster, Mary Norfolk’s Industrial Past 136
Field, Willliam George 6, 13
Fielde, John 119
Finch, Walter Juan 142, 143
Fire engine, Norwich 304
First World War 3–16
Fiske, Mr R. 243
Fiske, Ron 93
FitzGerald, Fiona course on History of Paintings 188
Flashpit Farm 176
Flaxman, Elizabeth 262
Flaxman, Geoffrey 115
Flaxman, Margaret 115
Flaxman, Nathaniel 116
Flaxman, Thomas 115, 116
Flaxman, Thomas jnr 116
Fletcher, Gillian 31, 68, 70, 71,110, 162, 243
Fletcher’s 113–117
Flockmasters 64
Flood of 1912 271
Footpaths 35
Foresters Hall 283
Foresters, Order of 278
Forster, Charles 116, 117
Forster, Mary 116, 117
Forster, Moore 117
Forster, Thomas 116, 117
Fox, Martyn 290
Fox, Sue 290
Free School 155
Freemen of Norwich 297
Friendly Societies 275–285
Friendship Club 287
Fritton 64
Frogs (in bricks) 40, 154
Funeral expenses 278
G.E.R. Station 4, 7, 16, 40, 41
Gaffney, Professor Vince 294
Gale, Geoff 31; in memory of Chris Barringer 49; 68, 70, 71, 84, 92; Editing ALHS Publications 127–129; 162, 243
Gamble, Robert 263
Gaol 45
Gardens through History 243
Gardiner, Frances 114
Gardiner, George 114
Gas company 277
Gas House 268
Gas lighting 229
Gay 228
Geddes-Brown, Leslie 61
Gedge, Frederick 118
Gee, Mrs B. 71, 162, 243; obituary 289–291
Gee, Peter 289
General Purposes Committee, Aylsham PC 288
George V coronation 271
Gibson, Dr Ian 287
Gidding, baker, 267
Gidney, Henry 4, 15, 19
Gilbert Unions 201
Gill, Nathaniel 220–221
Gogle, James 43
Golden Fleece 260
Goldney, Lucy Hulbert 20
Goldney, Sir Hastings 20
Goodwin, Chad 163
Goose quarterer 307
Goose, Ms J. 243
Goose, Ms M. 243
Goose, Thomas 118
Gordon House 100
Gordon, Mrs J. 243
Gothic House 42
Gould, Janet 175
Goulder family 268
Goulder, Clare Horseley 12
Goulder, Col. H.W. 12, 15
Goulder, Miss Mercy 4
Goulder, Miss Sybil 12
Goulder, Robert Christopher 12
Gow, Neil 3
Graffiti 87; at Blakeney 135; on Holman House 231
Grammar School 155
Grandsire Caters 174
Gravelkind 53, 54
Gray, Eliza 256
Grays Fair Court 288
Great Eastern Railway station – see Aylsham Railway Station South
Great Edmonds 53, 221
Great Hospital 302, 306–307
Great Ryburgh 274
Green man 147
Green, Mrs P. 13
Greenfields 250
Greenhouse Park, Blickling 175
Greenway, Amanda Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214
Greenwod, Ursula 44
Greenwood, J. Roger 194
Gregor, James 248
Gregory, Jon 292
Grellier, Ms D. 71, 162, 243
Gresham Castle 105
Grey Friars 300
Greyston 64
Grix, Benjamin 202
Groves, Ian talk on Deserted Villages 63–64
Guardians of workhouse 252–256, 287
Guild of St Michaels and All Angels 159
Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Guildhall, Blakeney 135
Gurney, Robert 114, 115
Gaffney, Professor Vince 294
Gale, Geoff 31; in memory of Chris Barringer 49; 68, 70, 71, 84, 92; Editing ALHS Publications 127–129; 162, 243
Gamble, Robert 263
Gaol 45
Gardens through History 243
Gardiner, Frances 114
Gardiner, George 114
Gas company 277
Gas House 268
Gas lighting 229
Gay 228
Geddes-Brown, Leslie 61
Gedge, Frederick 118
Gee, Mrs B. 71, 162, 243; obituary 289–291
Gee, Peter 289
General Purposes Committee, Aylsham PC 288
George V coronation 271
Gibson, Dr Ian 287
Gidding, baker, 267
Gidney, Henry 4, 15, 19
Gilbert Unions 201
Gill, Nathaniel 220–221
Gogle, James 43
Golden Fleece 260
Goldney, Lucy Hulbert 20
Goldney, Sir Hastings 20
Goodwin, Chad 163
Goose quarterer 307
Goose, Ms J. 243
Goose, Ms M. 243
Goose, Thomas 118
Gordon House 100
Gordon, Mrs J. 243
Gothic House 42
Gould, Janet 175
Goulder family 268
Goulder, Clare Horseley 12
Goulder, Col. H.W. 12, 15
Goulder, Miss Mercy 4
Goulder, Miss Sybil 12
Goulder, Robert Christopher 12
Gow, Neil 3
Graffiti 87; at Blakeney 135; on Holman House 231
Grammar School 155
Grandsire Caters 174
Gravelkind 53, 54
Gray, Eliza 256
Grays Fair Court 288
Great Eastern Railway station – see Aylsham Railway Station South
Great Edmonds 53, 221
Great Hospital 302, 306–307
Great Ryburgh 274
Green man 147
Green, Mrs P. 13
Greenfields 250
Greenhouse Park, Blickling 175
Greenway, Amanda Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214
Greenwod, Ursula 44
Greenwood, J. Roger 194
Gregor, James 248
Gregory, Jon 292
Grellier, Ms D. 71, 162, 243
Gresham Castle 105
Grey Friars 300
Greyston 64
Grix, Benjamin 202
Groves, Ian talk on Deserted Villages 63–64
Guardians of workhouse 252–256, 287
Guild of St Michaels and All Angels 159
Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Guildhall, Blakeney 135
Gurney, Robert 114, 115
Hackney 102
Hagon, Robert 119, 120
Half Moon Bakery/Inn 43, 44
Hall, Arthur Robert 6, 13
Hall, Charles 6
Hall, Mrs R. 68, 71, 162, 243
Hallifax, Thomas 115
Hammond, Captain J. 12
Hammond, George 48
Hammond, Mrs J.
Hammond, William 48
Hannant, William Ward 119
Happisburgh 63
Happisburgh Hominid 295
Harbord, Edward 227, 228
Harbord, Lady Caroline 226
Harbord, Mr R. 71, 162
Hardingham, Ann 253
Hardy, Mary 53
Hardy, William 248
Hargreaves, Gwendoline 21
Hargreaves, Norman 21
Harris, Thomas 48
Harrison, Robert 155
Harrison, Ruth 70, 71, 162, 242, 243
Hart, Henry Gardener 44
Harward (Harwood), Thomas 114, 115
Harward, Alice 114
Harward, William 115
Haund, Alice 44
Hawke, Mr & Mrs D.A. 71, 162
Hawkins, Thomas 117
Hearth Tax 63
Hedgecoe, John 150, 151
Heffer, Lloyd 257
Hellesdon Library 92
Hellesdon Manor 105
Hemblington 70
Hendbeck 139
Hendry’s of Foulsham 258
Henniker, Lord 58
Henry VIII court roll 167
Heritage Centre 90, 130, 152, 166, 188, 216, 256, 293
Heritage Open Day talk 32, 216, 230–234
Heritage Trails 45
Hethel Thorn 30
Hevingham churchyard 30
Heydon, Sir Henry 105
Heylock family 43
Hickey, Dawn 264
Hickey, William 264
Higdon, Tom 132
High School, see Aylsham High School
High, Mr steam menagerie 284
Hill, Frank 12
Hill, Mrs M. 243
Hill, William 119
Hills, Ms V. 71, 162, 243
History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261
Hitchcock, Ronald 263
HMS Brinton 215
Hoare, Canon 3, 4, 12, 14–16, 156
Hoare, Miss 4
Hoare, Mrs 15
Hobart family 168
Hobart, Sir Henry 42
Hobbes mansion 43
Hockham 63
Hodds, Mr 15
Holby, Margaret 195
Holley, George Hunt 52, 117, 118
Holman House 90; undercroft 32
Holman, Ernest John 250
Holman, Mrs E. 71, 162, 243
Holman, Peter 97, 127, 289
Holmes, Frances on Norfolk Market 274
Holmes, Mr & Mrs 68
Holt Society 31
Home, Mr J. 71, 162, 243
Homo antecessor 295
Homo heidelbergensis 295
Homo neanderthalensis 295
Homo sapiens 295
Honorary Life Membership 68
Hook, Dorothy 175
Horner, Eric 6, 13
Horse races 284
Horstead, John 44
Horticultural Society 276
Hotofts 61
Houghton Park 63
Houses of Correction 199, 228–229
Howard, Cecilie 88
Howard, Richard 88, 232
Howe, Pat 257
Howe, Thomas 44
Howes, Nicholas 197
Howes, Sarah 197
Howlett 255
Hubbard, Robert 46–48
Hucksters 261
Hudson, Shelley 176
Huggins, William 119
Humphrey, Joan 113
Humphrey, Robert 113, 114
Humphreys 115, 116
Humphreys, Mrs C. 71, 162, 243
Hungate 36–45, 55–56, 90, 277; End 36
Hungry Forties 204
Hunt, Philip 82
Hagon, Robert 119, 120
Half Moon Bakery/Inn 43, 44
Hall, Arthur Robert 6, 13
Hall, Charles 6
Hall, Mrs R. 68, 71, 162, 243
Hallifax, Thomas 115
Hammond, Captain J. 12
Hammond, George 48
Hammond, Mrs J.
Hammond, William 48
Hannant, William Ward 119
Happisburgh 63
Happisburgh Hominid 295
Harbord, Edward 227, 228
Harbord, Lady Caroline 226
Harbord, Mr R. 71, 162
Hardingham, Ann 253
Hardy, Mary 53
Hardy, William 248
Hargreaves, Gwendoline 21
Hargreaves, Norman 21
Harris, Thomas 48
Harrison, Robert 155
Harrison, Ruth 70, 71, 162, 242, 243
Hart, Henry Gardener 44
Harward (Harwood), Thomas 114, 115
Harward, Alice 114
Harward, William 115
Haund, Alice 44
Hawke, Mr & Mrs D.A. 71, 162
Hawkins, Thomas 117
Hearth Tax 63
Hedgecoe, John 150, 151
Heffer, Lloyd 257
Hellesdon Library 92
Hellesdon Manor 105
Hemblington 70
Hendbeck 139
Hendry’s of Foulsham 258
Henniker, Lord 58
Henry VIII court roll 167
Heritage Centre 90, 130, 152, 166, 188, 216, 256, 293
Heritage Open Day talk 32, 216, 230–234
Heritage Trails 45
Hethel Thorn 30
Hevingham churchyard 30
Heydon, Sir Henry 105
Heylock family 43
Hickey, Dawn 264
Hickey, William 264
Higdon, Tom 132
High School, see Aylsham High School
High, Mr steam menagerie 284
Hill, Frank 12
Hill, Mrs M. 243
Hill, William 119
Hills, Ms V. 71, 162, 243
History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261
Hitchcock, Ronald 263
HMS Brinton 215
Hoare, Canon 3, 4, 12, 14–16, 156
Hoare, Miss 4
Hoare, Mrs 15
Hobart family 168
Hobart, Sir Henry 42
Hobbes mansion 43
Hockham 63
Hodds, Mr 15
Holby, Margaret 195
Holley, George Hunt 52, 117, 118
Holman House 90; undercroft 32
Holman, Ernest John 250
Holman, Mrs E. 71, 162, 243
Holman, Peter 97, 127, 289
Holmes, Frances on Norfolk Market 274
Holmes, Mr & Mrs 68
Holt Society 31
Home, Mr J. 71, 162, 243
Homo antecessor 295
Homo heidelbergensis 295
Homo neanderthalensis 295
Homo sapiens 295
Honorary Life Membership 68
Hook, Dorothy 175
Horner, Eric 6, 13
Horse races 284
Horstead, John 44
Horticultural Society 276
Hotofts 61
Houghton Park 63
Houses of Correction 199, 228–229
Howard, Cecilie 88
Howard, Richard 88, 232
Howe, Pat 257
Howe, Thomas 44
Howes, Nicholas 197
Howes, Sarah 197
Howlett 255
Hubbard, Robert 46–48
Hucksters 261
Hudson, Shelley 176
Huggins, William 119
Humphrey, Joan 113
Humphrey, Robert 113, 114
Humphreys 115, 116
Humphreys, Mrs C. 71, 162, 243
Hungate 36–45, 55–56, 90, 277; End 36
Hungry Forties 204
Hunt, Philip 82
Ian Sears Clinic 97
Ice Age 294
Iconography in St. Michael’s Church 145–148
Illuminated Manuscripts, course by Margaret Forrester 68
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 278
Industrial Exhibition 4
Industrial Revolution 67
Infant School 276
International Stores 12, 125, 268
Ireland 255
Iron Age sites 64
Itteringham Common 81
Ives, Clement 118
Ivory, Thomas 306
Ivy House 142
Ice Age 294
Iconography in St. Michael’s Church 145–148
Illuminated Manuscripts, course by Margaret Forrester 68
Independent Order of Odd Fellows 278
Industrial Exhibition 4
Industrial Revolution 67
Infant School 276
International Stores 12, 125, 268
Ireland 255
Iron Age sites 64
Itteringham Common 81
Ives, Clement 118
Ivory, Thomas 306
Ivy House 142
Jackson, Mr & Mrs J.L. 13
Jackson’s Brass Band 281
Janes, Ms L. 243
Jannys, Agnes 155
Jannys, John 89, 155
Jannys, Margaret 155
Jannys, Robert 87, 155, 301
Jay, Mrs Sue 70, 71, 162, 243
Jeavons, Mr S. 71, 162, 243
Jegon family 171
Jegon, Bishop 89, 225, 234
Jenkinson, William 117
Jewell, Edmund 53, 118, 120
John Innes Centre 129
John of Gaunt 230
John of Walsham 300
John Soame Memorial Pump 156, 157
Johnson, Ben 86
Johnson, Harold Herbert 250
Johnson, Madge 250
Johnson, Major 15
Johnson, Mrs 15
Johnston, Mr G. 71, 162, 243
Jones, John 59
Jones, Mr & Mrs M. 243
Joseph of Arimethea 30
Journal & Publications report 240–241
Joy, Elizabeth 263
Julgan, Philippa 18
Julian calendar 172
Jackson’s Brass Band 281
Janes, Ms L. 243
Jannys, Agnes 155
Jannys, John 89, 155
Jannys, Margaret 155
Jannys, Robert 87, 155, 301
Jay, Mrs Sue 70, 71, 162, 243
Jeavons, Mr S. 71, 162, 243
Jegon family 171
Jegon, Bishop 89, 225, 234
Jenkinson, William 117
Jewell, Edmund 53, 118, 120
John Innes Centre 129
John of Gaunt 230
John of Walsham 300
John Soame Memorial Pump 156, 157
Johnson, Ben 86
Johnson, Harold Herbert 250
Johnson, Madge 250
Johnson, Major 15
Johnson, Mrs 15
Johnston, Mr G. 71, 162, 243
Jones, John 59
Jones, Mr & Mrs M. 243
Joseph of Arimethea 30
Journal & Publications report 240–241
Joy, Elizabeth 263
Julgan, Philippa 18
Julian calendar 172
Kay, Dr 204
Kay, Martin 57
Kebab House 45
Kelly’s Directory 128
Kerrison family 250
Kerrison, Ellen 6
Kett’s Oak 30
Kett’s Rebellion 301, 303
Kettlebridge 140, 144
Key, Robert 131
Kilby, William 114
King’s Head, Letheringsett 273, 274
Kirk, Graham 257
Kitchen, A.H. 121
Kitchener’s Army 5
Kitson 255, 256
Knoll (Knollys) House 52, 154–156
Knolles, Christopher 113, 114
Knolles, Thomas 113, 155
Kynges, John 194
Kynges, Margaret 193, 194
Kay, Martin 57
Kebab House 45
Kelly’s Directory 128
Kerrison family 250
Kerrison, Ellen 6
Kett’s Oak 30
Kett’s Rebellion 301, 303
Kettlebridge 140, 144
Key, Robert 131
Kilby, William 114
King’s Head, Letheringsett 273, 274
Kirk, Graham 257
Kitchen, A.H. 121
Kitchener’s Army 5
Kitson 255, 256
Knoll (Knollys) House 52, 154–156
Knolles, Christopher 113, 114
Knolles, Thomas 113, 155
Kynges, John 194
Kynges, Margaret 193, 194
L’Anson, Mary 263
Labour Hymn Book 132
Labour Party Centre 97
Lady Chapel, St Michael’s 233
Lamb Inn 117
Land Registry 167
Langley, Rachel 24
Larkworthy, Mrs 4
Last, ironmonger 268
Lawns Hotel, Holt 31
Laws, Mss E.B. 162, 243
Lawyers, Nest of 51–55
Laxen, baker, 267
Laxen, Richard 281
Layt, Ms A. 71, 162, 243
Lea, Elizabeth 6
Lea, Hubert William 6, 13
Lea/Lee, Sydney Samuel 6, 13
Leamon 255
Lenny, Isaac 78–80
Letheringsett Hall 248
Levrington, Simon 44
Lewis, Charles 93
Library Association 92
Life & Landscape of the Norfolk Broads 49
Light industry 287
Lincoln Theological Institute 308
Ling, Mr & Mrs B. 13
List of Members 71, 162, 242
Lister, Thomas 299
Literary Institute 277
Little Ringstead 63
Little Waxham 63
Lively wherry 48
Lloyd George’s ‘Second Domesday’ 56
Lobster Coach 102
Local rates 223–224
Local Reservists 4
Lock, Mrs A. 71, 162, 243
Lockup 168
Long, Derek 21
Long, Molly 22, 23, 68; Some Norfolk Sayings 158
Long, Susan 21
Longley, Rev. R.W. 12
Looking Back by Olive Skoyles 265–272
Lord Marquis of Lothian Lodge 281–283
Lord Mayor of Norwich 305
Lothian, 8th Marquis 273, 284
Loyal Friendship Lodge 282
Lumnour, Margaret 193
Lumnour, William 193, 194
Lychgate steps 90
Lynford archaeological site 295
Lynham, Mr F. 3
Lyons, Derek on Molly Long 22–23; 68, 69, 71, 9, 99, 160, 162, 243
Labour Hymn Book 132
Labour Party Centre 97
Lady Chapel, St Michael’s 233
Lamb Inn 117
Land Registry 167
Langley, Rachel 24
Larkworthy, Mrs 4
Last, ironmonger 268
Lawns Hotel, Holt 31
Laws, Mss E.B. 162, 243
Lawyers, Nest of 51–55
Laxen, baker, 267
Laxen, Richard 281
Layt, Ms A. 71, 162, 243
Lea, Elizabeth 6
Lea, Hubert William 6, 13
Lea/Lee, Sydney Samuel 6, 13
Leamon 255
Lenny, Isaac 78–80
Letheringsett Hall 248
Levrington, Simon 44
Lewis, Charles 93
Library Association 92
Life & Landscape of the Norfolk Broads 49
Light industry 287
Lincoln Theological Institute 308
Ling, Mr & Mrs B. 13
List of Members 71, 162, 242
Lister, Thomas 299
Literary Institute 277
Little Ringstead 63
Little Waxham 63
Lively wherry 48
Lloyd George’s ‘Second Domesday’ 56
Lobster Coach 102
Local rates 223–224
Local Reservists 4
Lock, Mrs A. 71, 162, 243
Lockup 168
Long, Derek 21
Long, Molly 22, 23, 68; Some Norfolk Sayings 158
Long, Susan 21
Longley, Rev. R.W. 12
Looking Back by Olive Skoyles 265–272
Lord Marquis of Lothian Lodge 281–283
Lord Mayor of Norwich 305
Lothian, 8th Marquis 273, 284
Loyal Friendship Lodge 282
Lumnour, Margaret 193
Lumnour, William 193, 194
Lychgate steps 90
Lynford archaeological site 295
Lynham, Mr F. 3
Lyons, Derek on Molly Long 22–23; 68, 69, 71, 9, 99, 160, 162, 243
M.G. & N. 36
Macartney, Ms J. 71, 162
Macdonald, Elizabeth 149
Mace, Edward 250
Maddermarket Theatre 213
Makey Mysteries 293
Malt Tax 229
Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows 276, 278, 281–283
Manor Hotel, Blakeney 133
Manor House 17–21, 41, 221
Manors of Aylsham 167–172
Manthorpe, Robert 44
Mapping Aylsham: some clarification by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis 75–85
Mardler 290
Margarson, Mr & Mrs G. 71, 162, 243
Margetson, Gilbert 117
Marjoram, H.W. 3
Market Field 38
Marling 66
Marowe, John 298, 299
Marriott, William 36
Marriott’s Way 36
Marrowe, Thomas 299
Marsham family 113
Marsham, John 301
Marsham, Robert 229, 247
Martin, Tom 104
Mary’s Beck 139
Mason, Adam 299
Mason, Thomas 299
Masque of Ann Boleyn 88
Master of Workhouse 253, 254
Matthews, Alfie 249
Mautby, Margaret 104
Mautby, Sir John 104
Mavis Grind 290
Mawbey, Mr & Mrs W.E. 71, 162, 243
May, John 17
Mayes, Benjamin 46
Mayes, John 46, 48
Mayor of Norwich 297–300
Mayor’s Council 304
McCann, Hilary 100
McChesney, Jean 68, 71, 162, 243
McConnell, Dan Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
McCosh, James 257
McCosh, Nancy 257
McDonald, Elizabeth Pastons and their Norfolk 136, 159
McManus, Ian
McManus, Ian 70, 71, 160–162, 241, 243 Treasurer’s Report 69, 160–161, 240
McManus, Ian Alan Quinn obit. 130
McManus,Susan 68,99, 162, 243, 306, 308
Meadows, The 100
Medical Club 276
Medieval to Modern History Walk 136
Medieval Trade Guilds 278
Melton Constable railway works 215
Membership Report 70, 161, 241
Mendham, Thomas 53
Mermaid brook 139
Merriman, Sheila A short walk in Aylsham 35–45; 68, 70, 71; Walk through Time 152–157; 162, 243, 274; report on Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295; report on Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Merry-go-round 284
Methodist community 277
Microbrewery, Cromer 294
Middleton family 142
Midland & Great Northern Railway 36
Mileham, Willliam 275
Millard, William Salter 77, 81, 82
Miller Barbara Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Millgate 82, 128, 129, 199, 277
Millgate 93
Mills, Lloyd 32, 69
Mollard, Mr & Mrs T. 71, 162, 243
Mollard, Sheila 71, 93, 162, 243
Mollard, Tom 69, 76, obituary 91–98; 127–129, 275
Molly long 68
Monastic wool-masters 261
Monck, Nugent 88, 213
Monday sale 233
Monkman, Margaret 250
Moore, John 116
Morgan, Vic 70, 71, 151, 161, 162,242, 243
Morgan’s Brewery 44
Morton, Richard 142, 277
Moses 148
Moy, bellringer 174
Mucklyn’s 116
Muster Lists 220, 221
Narrow gauge railways 35
National Health Insurance Act 275
National Reserve Force 3
National School 20
National Trust 24
National Union of Railwaymen 40
Macartney, Ms J. 71, 162
Macdonald, Elizabeth 149
Mace, Edward 250
Maddermarket Theatre 213
Makey Mysteries 293
Malt Tax 229
Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows 276, 278, 281–283
Manor Hotel, Blakeney 133
Manor House 17–21, 41, 221
Manors of Aylsham 167–172
Manthorpe, Robert 44
Mapping Aylsham: some clarification by Maggie Vaughan-Lewis 75–85
Mardler 290
Margarson, Mr & Mrs G. 71, 162, 243
Margetson, Gilbert 117
Marjoram, H.W. 3
Market Field 38
Marling 66
Marowe, John 298, 299
Marriott, William 36
Marriott’s Way 36
Marrowe, Thomas 299
Marsham family 113
Marsham, John 301
Marsham, Robert 229, 247
Martin, Tom 104
Mary’s Beck 139
Mason, Adam 299
Mason, Thomas 299
Masque of Ann Boleyn 88
Master of Workhouse 253, 254
Matthews, Alfie 249
Mautby, Margaret 104
Mautby, Sir John 104
Mavis Grind 290
Mawbey, Mr & Mrs W.E. 71, 162, 243
May, John 17
Mayes, Benjamin 46
Mayes, John 46, 48
Mayor of Norwich 297–300
Mayor’s Council 304
McCann, Hilary 100
McChesney, Jean 68, 71, 162, 243
McConnell, Dan Aylsham Roman Project 235–238
McCosh, James 257
McCosh, Nancy 257
McDonald, Elizabeth Pastons and their Norfolk 136, 159
McManus, Ian
McManus, Ian 70, 71, 160–162, 241, 243 Treasurer’s Report 69, 160–161, 240
McManus, Ian Alan Quinn obit. 130
McManus,Susan 68,99, 162, 243, 306, 308
Meadows, The 100
Medical Club 276
Medieval to Modern History Walk 136
Medieval Trade Guilds 278
Melton Constable railway works 215
Membership Report 70, 161, 241
Mendham, Thomas 53
Mermaid brook 139
Merriman, Sheila A short walk in Aylsham 35–45; 68, 70, 71; Walk through Time 152–157; 162, 243, 274; report on Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295; report on Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Merry-go-round 284
Methodist community 277
Microbrewery, Cromer 294
Middleton family 142
Midland & Great Northern Railway 36
Mileham, Willliam 275
Millard, William Salter 77, 81, 82
Miller Barbara Guildhall & St George’s Gild 296–305
Millgate 82, 128, 129, 199, 277
Millgate 93
Mills, Lloyd 32, 69
Mollard, Mr & Mrs T. 71, 162, 243
Mollard, Sheila 71, 93, 162, 243
Mollard, Tom 69, 76, obituary 91–98; 127–129, 275
Molly long 68
Monastic wool-masters 261
Monck, Nugent 88, 213
Monday sale 233
Monkman, Margaret 250
Moore, John 116
Morgan, Vic 70, 71, 151, 161, 162,242, 243
Morgan’s Brewery 44
Morton, Richard 142, 277
Moses 148
Moy, bellringer 174
Mucklyn’s 116
Muster Lists 220, 221
Narrow gauge railways 35
National Health Insurance Act 275
National Reserve Force 3
National School 20
National Trust 24
National Union of Railwaymen 40
Navigation 216
Neale, bellringer 174
Neale, James 200
Neave, Berty 250
Neave, William 46, 48
Nefarius doings – with disastrous consequences 46–48
Nelson Museum 93
Nelson’s house 214
Nethergate 90
New Aylsham Workhouse 204
New Holkham 63
New Houghton 63
New Inn 281–283
New Poor Law 202, 203
Newmarket Stud 3
Nichols, Stanley 121
Nissen Huts at Blickling Hall 175–176
Nobbs, Geoffrey Nefarious doings 46–48, 71, 162; 192–193
Nobbs, Margaret 192–193
Nolan, Frank 250
Nolan, Jane 172
Nolan, Jane 69, 92, 172, 248, 250, 289
Nomina Villarum 63
Norfolk & Norwich Unity of Odd Fellows 279, 282
Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society 92
Norfolk Annals by Mackie 226–229
Norfolk Diary 94
Norfolk Horns 66
Norfolk House 45, 54
Norfolk Mueums & Archaeology Service 294
Norfolk Older People’s Welfare Association 288
Norfolk Regiment 3–16
Norfolk Shrieking Pits 127
Norfolk Steam Co. 47
Norfolk Trotter 102
Norfolk wool 261
Norfolk: A History 49
Norfolk’s Industrial Past 136
North Croft 113–115
North Norfolk Supply Stores 267
North Sea 294
North Walsham High School 288
Norton, John 6
Norton, Peter 295
Norton, Sarah 6
Norton, William 6, 13
Norwich Diocesan Records 83
Norwich Market, talk by Frances Holmes 274
Neale, bellringer 174
Neale, James 200
Neave, Berty 250
Neave, William 46, 48
Nefarius doings – with disastrous consequences 46–48
Nelson Museum 93
Nelson’s house 214
Nethergate 90
New Aylsham Workhouse 204
New Holkham 63
New Houghton 63
New Inn 281–283
New Poor Law 202, 203
Newmarket Stud 3
Nichols, Stanley 121
Nissen Huts at Blickling Hall 175–176
Nobbs, Geoffrey Nefarious doings 46–48, 71, 162; 192–193
Nobbs, Margaret 192–193
Nolan, Frank 250
Nolan, Jane 172
Nolan, Jane 69, 92, 172, 248, 250, 289
Nomina Villarum 63
Norfolk & Norwich Unity of Odd Fellows 279, 282
Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society 92
Norfolk Annals by Mackie 226–229
Norfolk Diary 94
Norfolk Horns 66
Norfolk House 45, 54
Norfolk Mueums & Archaeology Service 294
Norfolk Older People’s Welfare Association 288
Norfolk Regiment 3–16
Norfolk Shrieking Pits 127
Norfolk Steam Co. 47
Norfolk Trotter 102
Norfolk wool 261
Norfolk: A History 49
Norfolk’s Industrial Past 136
North Croft 113–115
North Norfolk Supply Stores 267
North Sea 294
North Walsham High School 288
Norton, John 6
Norton, Peter 295
Norton, Sarah 6
Norton, William 6, 13
Norwich Diocesan Records 83
Norwich Market, talk by Frances Holmes 274
Oakapple Day 156, 275
Oakeley, Esme Bagnall 214
Oakeley, Jeremy Bagnall 214–215
Obituary Tom Mollard 91–98; Betty Gee 289–291; Stuart Wilson 292–293
Ocle, Thomas 299
Octagon Chapel 306
Odd Fellows 275, 277–279
Old Anchor Club 280
Old Cromer Road 90
Old Gaol, Hungate 56
Old Hall 52, 169, 171, 221
Old Poor Law 203
Oodgate 193
Orchards 97
Ordnance Survey 74, 75,
Orwell, John 194
Orwell, Margaret 193
Orwell, Thomas 193, 194
Oulton Conservation Studio 24
Overseers of the Poor 199
Oxnead Hall 104–107, 149–151
Oakeley, Esme Bagnall 214
Oakeley, Jeremy Bagnall 214–215
Obituary Tom Mollard 91–98; Betty Gee 289–291; Stuart Wilson 292–293
Ocle, Thomas 299
Octagon Chapel 306
Odd Fellows 275, 277–279
Old Anchor Club 280
Old Cromer Road 90
Old Gaol, Hungate 56
Old Hall 52, 169, 171, 221
Old Poor Law 203
Oodgate 193
Orchards 97
Ordnance Survey 74, 75,
Orwell, John 194
Orwell, Margaret 193
Orwell, Thomas 193, 194
Oulton Conservation Studio 24
Overseers of the Poor 199
Oxnead Hall 104–107, 149–151
Page, H. 15
Page, William 17, 20, 48
Page’s Department Store 267
Painting the Church by Daphne Davy 257–259
Palaeoecology 295
Palmer, Harry Walpole 21
Palmer, Mr 47
Pannell, Jim report on ALHS dinner and celebration 31; 70, 71; Road to Cromer 90; Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100; report on working horse in Norfolk 101–103, on Paston family 104–107; 110, 159–163; The Belfry Book of St Michael’s 173–174; 241, 243; Secretary’s Report 239–240; on History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261; 274
Paradise 152
Parfitt, Simon 294
Paris, Matthew 308
Parish Maps 75
Parish Nurse Fund 3
Parish registers, Aylsham 224
Parker, Archbishop Matthew 155
Parmeter family 31
Parmeter, Robert William 253
Parmeter, Samuel 253
Parry, Ms E. 243
Partridge, Daniel 121
Partridge’s butcher shop 267
Paston family 104–107, 262
Paston Heritage Centre 107
Paston letters 107, 150
Paston School 105, 288
Paston, Agnes 104, 149
Paston, Beatrice 104
Paston, Clement 104, 105, 149
Paston, Erasmus 105
Paston, John 104, 105
Paston, Katherine 105
Paston, Margaret 104, 105, 193
Paston, Robert 107, 150
Paston, William 104, 105, 107, 149, 150, 194
Pastons and their Norfolk 136
Pastons and Their Norfolk by Elizabeth McDonald 108, 136, 149, 159
Pate (Payte), Thomas 113
Pauper graveyard at Sapwell Close 251–256
Pawnce 3
Payne, Anna Sophia 6
Payne, J.C. 6, 13
Payne, Willliam 6
Peabody, Ms J. 71, 162
Peabody, Ron 69, 92, 96
Peacock, W.E. 12
Peake, John 133–135
Peake, Pam 133–335
Peart, Dee 257
Peart, Mervyn 257
Peasants’ revolt 297
Peat 67
Peck’s messuage 42, 43
Pegg, Maureen 175
Pek, Agnes 170
Pek, Robert 170
Pelham, John 256
Pelican 147
Pensthorpe 64
Pepper, John 93
Percheron 102
Percy’s Cottage 42, 43
Perry, Edmund review of J. Spurrell, Bessingham 262–264
Pescod 43
Phellips, Anne 120
Phillips, Edward 118
Pillboxes 36
Pim, Mr & Mrs M. 243
Pinchin, widow 116
Pinner, Rebecca Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185
Pitman family 144
Pitman, Barbara 82
Pleasurewood Hills theme park 35
Pleistocene 294
Polhill, Diana 31, 69–71, 162, 160, 166, 243, 250
Polhill, Roger report on Ancient Trees 25–30; 31; report on talk by Tom Williams on Aylsham Navigation 65–67; 69–71, 160–162, Journal and Publications report 69–70, 161, 240–241; 243; The Belt Lodge 247–250; Ethel Tipple 286–288
Police force, Norwich 305
Police House 277
Pommell, Sarah 117
Pommell, widow 117
Poor in Aylsham 127
Poor Law Act/assessment 75–85
Poor Law Amendment Act 202
Poor Law Commission 252, 253, 255
Poor Law Commissioners 75–85
Poor Law Institution 268
Poor Law Union 256
Poor Rates 223
Poor Relief Act 223
Pope, Stephen The Working Horse in Norfolk 101–103
Poppyland 128
Population totals 223
Post Office 268
Postle, baker 267
Postle, John 44
Postle, Robert 142
Postle, Susannah 6
Potter, Harry 61
Powell, Benjamin 253
Powell, Mr I. 71, 162, 243
Powell, Rosie 70, 71, 162, 243
Pratt, Robert 81, 82, 84
Preis, Wendy 68
Press, Ellen Spaul 120
Primitive Methodism in North Norfolk 131–135
Prince of Wales wherry 47
Priory, Thetford 58
Prison of Norwich 300
Pritchard, Mr & Mrs E. 71, 162
Prize for Aylsham High School student 242
Probate inventories 192
Property, Death & Taxes 167–172, 191–197, 219–225
Proudfoot, Harry 4, 13, 156
Proudfoot, Robert 281
Psalter, Luttrell 260
Pudding Norton 64
Purdy, Ada Maria Cook 142, 143
Purdy, Dodo 3, 14, 15
Purdy family 176; family letters 250
Purdy, Peter 14, 139, 140, 235
Purdy, Robert John 142
Purdy, Robert John Woods 142–144
Purdy, Susan 142
Purdy, Susan Elizabeth 142
Purdy, Thomas Woods 3, 4, 7, 13–16, 142, 144, 156
Page, William 17, 20, 48
Page’s Department Store 267
Painting the Church by Daphne Davy 257–259
Palaeoecology 295
Palmer, Harry Walpole 21
Palmer, Mr 47
Pannell, Jim report on ALHS dinner and celebration 31; 70, 71; Road to Cromer 90; Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100; report on working horse in Norfolk 101–103, on Paston family 104–107; 110, 159–163; The Belfry Book of St Michael’s 173–174; 241, 243; Secretary’s Report 239–240; on History of Wool in Norfolk 260–261; 274
Paradise 152
Parfitt, Simon 294
Paris, Matthew 308
Parish Maps 75
Parish Nurse Fund 3
Parish registers, Aylsham 224
Parker, Archbishop Matthew 155
Parmeter family 31
Parmeter, Robert William 253
Parmeter, Samuel 253
Parry, Ms E. 243
Partridge, Daniel 121
Partridge’s butcher shop 267
Paston family 104–107, 262
Paston Heritage Centre 107
Paston letters 107, 150
Paston School 105, 288
Paston, Agnes 104, 149
Paston, Beatrice 104
Paston, Clement 104, 105, 149
Paston, Erasmus 105
Paston, John 104, 105
Paston, Katherine 105
Paston, Margaret 104, 105, 193
Paston, Robert 107, 150
Paston, William 104, 105, 107, 149, 150, 194
Pastons and their Norfolk 136
Pastons and Their Norfolk by Elizabeth McDonald 108, 136, 149, 159
Pate (Payte), Thomas 113
Pauper graveyard at Sapwell Close 251–256
Pawnce 3
Payne, Anna Sophia 6
Payne, J.C. 6, 13
Payne, Willliam 6
Peabody, Ms J. 71, 162
Peabody, Ron 69, 92, 96
Peacock, W.E. 12
Peake, John 133–135
Peake, Pam 133–335
Peart, Dee 257
Peart, Mervyn 257
Peasants’ revolt 297
Peat 67
Peck’s messuage 42, 43
Pegg, Maureen 175
Pek, Agnes 170
Pek, Robert 170
Pelham, John 256
Pelican 147
Pensthorpe 64
Pepper, John 93
Percheron 102
Percy’s Cottage 42, 43
Perry, Edmund review of J. Spurrell, Bessingham 262–264
Pescod 43
Phellips, Anne 120
Phillips, Edward 118
Pillboxes 36
Pim, Mr & Mrs M. 243
Pinchin, widow 116
Pinner, Rebecca Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185
Pitman family 144
Pitman, Barbara 82
Pleasurewood Hills theme park 35
Pleistocene 294
Polhill, Diana 31, 69–71, 162, 160, 166, 243, 250
Polhill, Roger report on Ancient Trees 25–30; 31; report on talk by Tom Williams on Aylsham Navigation 65–67; 69–71, 160–162, Journal and Publications report 69–70, 161, 240–241; 243; The Belt Lodge 247–250; Ethel Tipple 286–288
Police force, Norwich 305
Police House 277
Pommell, Sarah 117
Pommell, widow 117
Poor in Aylsham 127
Poor Law Act/assessment 75–85
Poor Law Amendment Act 202
Poor Law Commission 252, 253, 255
Poor Law Commissioners 75–85
Poor Law Institution 268
Poor Law Union 256
Poor Rates 223
Poor Relief Act 223
Pope, Stephen The Working Horse in Norfolk 101–103
Poppyland 128
Population totals 223
Post Office 268
Postle, baker 267
Postle, John 44
Postle, Robert 142
Postle, Susannah 6
Potter, Harry 61
Powell, Benjamin 253
Powell, Mr I. 71, 162, 243
Powell, Rosie 70, 71, 162, 243
Pratt, Robert 81, 82, 84
Preis, Wendy 68
Press, Ellen Spaul 120
Primitive Methodism in North Norfolk 131–135
Prince of Wales wherry 47
Priory, Thetford 58
Prison of Norwich 300
Pritchard, Mr & Mrs E. 71, 162
Prize for Aylsham High School student 242
Probate inventories 192
Property, Death & Taxes 167–172, 191–197, 219–225
Proudfoot, Harry 4, 13, 156
Proudfoot, Robert 281
Psalter, Luttrell 260
Pudding Norton 64
Purdy, Ada Maria Cook 142, 143
Purdy, Dodo 3, 14, 15
Purdy family 176; family letters 250
Purdy, Peter 14, 139, 140, 235
Purdy, Robert John 142
Purdy, Robert John Woods 142–144
Purdy, Susan 142
Purdy, Susan Elizabeth 142
Purdy, Thomas Woods 3, 4, 7, 13–16, 142, 144, 156
Quadling, Barry 175
Quay, Blakeney 134
Quinn, Alan obituary 130
Quay, Blakeney 134
Quinn, Alan obituary 130
Rackham, Mr 79
Rackham, Rev Robert Alfred 142
RAF Oulton 175
Randall, Gerald 127
Rannells, Hannah 117
Rannells, William 117
Ranworth rood screen 70
Raynham 64
Reading room 277
Recreation Ground 12, 14, 15, 268
Red Cross Hospital, Cawston Manor 11
Red Lion 45, 117, 280, 283
Red Lion, Hungate 56
Red Lion Street 90
Report on Journal and Publications 69–70, 161, 240–241
Report on Membership 70, 161, 241
Report on Visits 70, 241
Repton family 36
Repton, Dorothy 45
Repton, Helen 52
Repton, Humphry 52, 53, 150, 247, 248
Repton, John 45, 150
Repton, John (snr) 53
Repton, John Adey 104, 149, 150
Repton, Wiliam 52, 53, 76–81, 252, 253, 276, 279
Restoration Day and Aylsham’s Victorian ‘Big Society’ 275–285
Retable, St Mary’s, Thornham 57–58
Reve, Christopher 195
Reynolds, Misses 3
Rice, John 118
Richard II 307
Richard of Tuddenham 299
Ringing chamber 88
Riseborough (Riseburrow), Thomas 115
River Glaven 133
River Wissey 295
River Writes 293
Rivett, Mary Ann 202
Robinson, Alfred John 18
Robinson, Charlotte Emma 18
Robinson, Elizabeth 18
Robinson, Henry James 18
Robinson, John 18
Roche, James 47
Roe, Daniel Frederick 280
Roman brick kilns 153, 217, 235–239
Roman brickmaking 39
Roman dig, Woodgate 139, 140, 166, 216, 217, 235–238
Roman Roads in Norfolk by James Albone 274
Roman well, Oxnead 150
Rood screen 89
Rood screen, Ranworth 70
Rood Screen, St Michael’s 89, 145–148
Rookery 267, 277
Roper 228
Rouall, Frances 250
Rougham 63
Rought, bellringer 174
Roulstone, Joan 68, 71, 162, 243
Roulstone, Peter visit to Columbine Hall, Thornham Parva and Earl Stonham 57–62; 71, 162, 243
Roundhouses 64
Rowe, Margaret 70, 71, 162, 243
Royal Commission on Friendly Societies 282
Roys of Wroxham 176
Rudd, John 202
Rump, Charles John 6, 13
Rump, Harriet 6
Rump, Joseph 6
Runham, Mr G. 71
Rush, Geoffrey 213
Rust, Ben 71, 93, 162
Rust, Lynette 71, 162
Rust, Mary 69
Rye, Walter 142
Rackham, Rev Robert Alfred 142
RAF Oulton 175
Randall, Gerald 127
Rannells, Hannah 117
Rannells, William 117
Ranworth rood screen 70
Raynham 64
Reading room 277
Recreation Ground 12, 14, 15, 268
Red Cross Hospital, Cawston Manor 11
Red Lion 45, 117, 280, 283
Red Lion, Hungate 56
Red Lion Street 90
Report on Journal and Publications 69–70, 161, 240–241
Report on Membership 70, 161, 241
Report on Visits 70, 241
Repton family 36
Repton, Dorothy 45
Repton, Helen 52
Repton, Humphry 52, 53, 150, 247, 248
Repton, John 45, 150
Repton, John (snr) 53
Repton, John Adey 104, 149, 150
Repton, Wiliam 52, 53, 76–81, 252, 253, 276, 279
Restoration Day and Aylsham’s Victorian ‘Big Society’ 275–285
Retable, St Mary’s, Thornham 57–58
Reve, Christopher 195
Reynolds, Misses 3
Rice, John 118
Richard II 307
Richard of Tuddenham 299
Ringing chamber 88
Riseborough (Riseburrow), Thomas 115
River Glaven 133
River Wissey 295
River Writes 293
Rivett, Mary Ann 202
Robinson, Alfred John 18
Robinson, Charlotte Emma 18
Robinson, Elizabeth 18
Robinson, Henry James 18
Robinson, John 18
Roche, James 47
Roe, Daniel Frederick 280
Roman brick kilns 153, 217, 235–239
Roman brickmaking 39
Roman dig, Woodgate 139, 140, 166, 216, 217, 235–238
Roman Roads in Norfolk by James Albone 274
Roman well, Oxnead 150
Rood screen 89
Rood screen, Ranworth 70
Rood Screen, St Michael’s 89, 145–148
Rookery 267, 277
Roper 228
Rouall, Frances 250
Rougham 63
Rought, bellringer 174
Roulstone, Joan 68, 71, 162, 243
Roulstone, Peter visit to Columbine Hall, Thornham Parva and Earl Stonham 57–62; 71, 162, 243
Roundhouses 64
Rowe, Margaret 70, 71, 162, 243
Royal Commission on Friendly Societies 282
Roys of Wroxham 176
Rudd, John 202
Rump, Charles John 6, 13
Rump, Harriet 6
Rump, Joseph 6
Runham, Mr G. 71
Rush, Geoffrey 213
Rust, Ben 71, 93, 162
Rust, Lynette 71, 162
Rust, Mary 69
Rye, Walter 142
Sadler, Geoff 69–71, 161, 162, Report on Memberhip 241, 243
Sadler, Wendy 71, 162, 243, 255
Sail and Storm 69, 292
Salvation Army barracks 41
Sanders, William 277
Sands, James 281
Sankence estate 139–141, 193, 194, 284
Sankey 140
Sapwell Close 251–256
Sapwell, Col. B.B. 6, 15
Sapwell, Dr 4
Sapwell, Jane 139
Sapwell, Mr 12
Sapwell, Philip 139
Saracen’s Head, Wolterton 31
Savings Bank 277
School for agricultural and commercial studies 276
Schoolhouse Lane 152, 154
Scott, Fiona 69
Scott, Tim 69
Scott, William Henry 53, 253, 254, 256
Scotter, David 192
Scottowe, John 193
Scottowe, William 193
Scouts 20
Scriveners 302
Sea eagle 229
Searles 171
Sears, Captain 97
Secondary School, Aylsham 287, 288
Secretary 289
Secretary’s Report 68, 159–160, 239–240
Segrem, Ralph 302
Seppings, Edward 77, 78
Serpent window, St Michael’s 232
Sewers 277
Sexton’s Manor 171
Sextons Field 196
Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185
Sharpe, Sue 166; report on Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214, Brinton Hall visit 214–215; 243; Ethel Tipple 286–288; Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Shaw, Mr & Mrs A. 71, 162
Sheep stealer hung 232
Sheep walks 66
Sheppard 228
Sheriffs of Nowich 297
Sheringham Hall 98
Sheringham Park 248
Sheringham, Jill 71, 93, 99, 162, 243
Shire Horse 101
Shooting gallery 284
Short Walk in Aylsham 35–45
Sickness pay 278
Simpson, Mr A. 71, 162
Six High and Lonely Churches 127
Skintling 39–40, 154, 157
Skottowe, Margaret 193
Skottowe, Simon 192, 195
Skoyles, Olive Looking Back 265–272
Slaughter, Mr I. 71, 162
Smart, Mr & Mrs L. 243
Smith 228
Smith, H.C. 156
Smith, Melvyn 61
Smith’s garage 21
Snap, the dragon 303
Snitterley 63
Soame 84
Soame, George 141
Soame, Henry 140, 141
Soame, Henry Edward 141
Soame, James 141
Soame, John 141, 156
Soame, Samuel 140, 141
Soame, William 141
Social housing 287
Society formation 69
Southdown sheep 66
Spa farm 140, 144, 171, 225
Spa Lane 38
Spa wells 139
Spalding, Violet 7
Spanton, James 46, 47
Spanton, W. 228
Special Constables 4
Spence, Sir Basil 57
Spencer, Mr & Mrs N. 71, 162
Spike 268
Spink, James 201
Spink, Maria 199
Spinks, John 48
Spinks, Mary 117
Spinners 261
Spokes, Rod 306
Spooner, Dr Sarah 292
Sporle 262
Spurrell family 262–264
Spurrell, Charles 263
Spurrell, Daniel 263
Spurrell, Edmund Denham 263
Spurrell, Flaxman 263
Spurrell, James 263
Spurrell, John 262, 263
Spurrell, Jonathan Bessingham: The Story of a Norfolk Estate 262–264
Spurrell, William 262
Squint, St Michael’s 232
St Anastasia 146
St Andrew 146, 148
St Andrew’s Church, Brinton 215
St Andrew’s, Norwich 299
St Barbara 146
St Barbara chapel 300
St Bartholomew 148
St Catherine 58
St Dominic 58
St Edmund 58, 59
St George 58
St George’s Gild 300–305
St Giles 306
St Helen’s Church 307
St Helen’s House 306
St James 145, 146, 148
St John 145, 146, 148
St John the Baptist 58
St Jude 148
St Luke 146
St Margaret 58
St Mark 146
St Martin’s Brewery 118
St Mary the Virgin, Earl Stonham 59–61
St Mary, Thornham Parva 57–59, 70
St Matthew 146, 148
St Matthias 148
St Maurice 146
St Michael’s Church 230–234, 272
St Michael’s Guild of Ringers 174
St Michael’s Hospital 288
St Michael’s Infant School 154
St Michael’s Nursery 265
St Michael’s workhouse 251
St Michael’s Workhouse Exhibition 256
St Paul 146, 148
St Peter 58, 146, 148
St Peter the Martyr 58
St Simon 148
St Stephen’s Church, Norwich 299
St Thomas 148
St Thomas a Becket chapel in St Michael’s 233
Stackwood, bellringer 174
Stacy, John 299
Stage coach 266
Stanton 64
Star inn 282, 283
Starling memoirs 41
Starling, William 281, 283
Starters, William 253, 254
Startson, Charles Etheridge 77
Steam mills 67
Stevens, Betty 257
Stevens, Jack 257
Stevenson, Hew 61
Steward & Patteson 121
Steward, Augustine 301
Steward, Linda 71, 98, 162, 243
Stewart, Judith 32
Stiffkey letters 198
Stockport Library 92
Stone, Nicholas 150, 151
Stone, Timothy 202
Stonegate 142
Stonehouse, Millgate 10
Strangers 261
Suckling, Charles 114
Suckling, Mary 114
Suffield Parish 81
Suffield, Lady 84
Suffield, Lord 81, 228
Suffolk Punch 101
Summers, Robert 81
Sunshine Ward, Aylsham Workhouse 287
Surfling, John 116
Survey Map of Aylsham 93
Sutton, James 281
Sutton, William 281
Suvla Bay 16
Swan beak marks 307
Swan Close 40
Swan inn 56, 115
Swan pit 307
Swan public house 40
Swann, William Diver 47
Swing Riots 131, 200
Symonds, John 253
Sadler, Wendy 71, 162, 243, 255
Sail and Storm 69, 292
Salvation Army barracks 41
Sanders, William 277
Sands, James 281
Sankence estate 139–141, 193, 194, 284
Sankey 140
Sapwell Close 251–256
Sapwell, Col. B.B. 6, 15
Sapwell, Dr 4
Sapwell, Jane 139
Sapwell, Mr 12
Sapwell, Philip 139
Saracen’s Head, Wolterton 31
Savings Bank 277
School for agricultural and commercial studies 276
Schoolhouse Lane 152, 154
Scott, Fiona 69
Scott, Tim 69
Scott, William Henry 53, 253, 254, 256
Scotter, David 192
Scottowe, John 193
Scottowe, William 193
Scouts 20
Scriveners 302
Sea eagle 229
Searles 171
Sears, Captain 97
Secondary School, Aylsham 287, 288
Secretary 289
Secretary’s Report 68, 159–160, 239–240
Segrem, Ralph 302
Seppings, Edward 77, 78
Serpent window, St Michael’s 232
Sewers 277
Sexton’s Manor 171
Sextons Field 196
Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185
Sharpe, Sue 166; report on Costuming in Shakespeare 213–214, Brinton Hall visit 214–215; 243; Ethel Tipple 286–288; Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Shaw, Mr & Mrs A. 71, 162
Sheep stealer hung 232
Sheep walks 66
Sheppard 228
Sheriffs of Nowich 297
Sheringham Hall 98
Sheringham Park 248
Sheringham, Jill 71, 93, 99, 162, 243
Shire Horse 101
Shooting gallery 284
Short Walk in Aylsham 35–45
Sickness pay 278
Simpson, Mr A. 71, 162
Six High and Lonely Churches 127
Skintling 39–40, 154, 157
Skottowe, Margaret 193
Skottowe, Simon 192, 195
Skoyles, Olive Looking Back 265–272
Slaughter, Mr I. 71, 162
Smart, Mr & Mrs L. 243
Smith 228
Smith, H.C. 156
Smith, Melvyn 61
Smith’s garage 21
Snap, the dragon 303
Snitterley 63
Soame 84
Soame, George 141
Soame, Henry 140, 141
Soame, Henry Edward 141
Soame, James 141
Soame, John 141, 156
Soame, Samuel 140, 141
Soame, William 141
Social housing 287
Society formation 69
Southdown sheep 66
Spa farm 140, 144, 171, 225
Spa Lane 38
Spa wells 139
Spalding, Violet 7
Spanton, James 46, 47
Spanton, W. 228
Special Constables 4
Spence, Sir Basil 57
Spencer, Mr & Mrs N. 71, 162
Spike 268
Spink, James 201
Spink, Maria 199
Spinks, John 48
Spinks, Mary 117
Spinners 261
Spokes, Rod 306
Spooner, Dr Sarah 292
Sporle 262
Spurrell family 262–264
Spurrell, Charles 263
Spurrell, Daniel 263
Spurrell, Edmund Denham 263
Spurrell, Flaxman 263
Spurrell, James 263
Spurrell, John 262, 263
Spurrell, Jonathan Bessingham: The Story of a Norfolk Estate 262–264
Spurrell, William 262
Squint, St Michael’s 232
St Anastasia 146
St Andrew 146, 148
St Andrew’s Church, Brinton 215
St Andrew’s, Norwich 299
St Barbara 146
St Barbara chapel 300
St Bartholomew 148
St Catherine 58
St Dominic 58
St Edmund 58, 59
St George 58
St George’s Gild 300–305
St Giles 306
St Helen’s Church 307
St Helen’s House 306
St James 145, 146, 148
St John 145, 146, 148
St John the Baptist 58
St Jude 148
St Luke 146
St Margaret 58
St Mark 146
St Martin’s Brewery 118
St Mary the Virgin, Earl Stonham 59–61
St Mary, Thornham Parva 57–59, 70
St Matthew 146, 148
St Matthias 148
St Maurice 146
St Michael’s Church 230–234, 272
St Michael’s Guild of Ringers 174
St Michael’s Hospital 288
St Michael’s Infant School 154
St Michael’s Nursery 265
St Michael’s workhouse 251
St Michael’s Workhouse Exhibition 256
St Paul 146, 148
St Peter 58, 146, 148
St Peter the Martyr 58
St Simon 148
St Stephen’s Church, Norwich 299
St Thomas 148
St Thomas a Becket chapel in St Michael’s 233
Stackwood, bellringer 174
Stacy, John 299
Stage coach 266
Stanton 64
Star inn 282, 283
Starling memoirs 41
Starling, William 281, 283
Starters, William 253, 254
Startson, Charles Etheridge 77
Steam mills 67
Stevens, Betty 257
Stevens, Jack 257
Stevenson, Hew 61
Steward & Patteson 121
Steward, Augustine 301
Steward, Linda 71, 98, 162, 243
Stewart, Judith 32
Stiffkey letters 198
Stockport Library 92
Stone, Nicholas 150, 151
Stone, Timothy 202
Stonegate 142
Stonehouse, Millgate 10
Strangers 261
Suckling, Charles 114
Suckling, Mary 114
Suffield Parish 81
Suffield, Lady 84
Suffield, Lord 81, 228
Suffolk Punch 101
Summers, Robert 81
Sunshine Ward, Aylsham Workhouse 287
Surfling, John 116
Survey Map of Aylsham 93
Sutton, James 281
Sutton, William 281
Suvla Bay 16
Swan beak marks 307
Swan Close 40
Swan inn 56, 115
Swan pit 307
Swan public house 40
Swann, William Diver 47
Swing Riots 131, 200
Symonds, John 253
Tannery, Woodgate 140
Tattam, G.E. 253, 254
Tax Exemption List 63
Taylor, Bessie 290
Taylor, Betty Mavis Annette 290
Taylor, James 290
Taylor, John 196
Technical colleges 288
Telegram delivery boys 272
Temple family 135
Terrey, Simon 140
Territorials 3–5, 7, 16, 144
Tesmond, Benjamin 115
Tesmond, Elzabeth 115
Testerton 64
Textile Conservation and the National Trust 24, Studio, Oulton 70
Thexton, Robert 116
Thomas, Mrs C. 71, 162, 243
Thorgate 112–115
Thornham Hall 58
Thornham Parva 57–59
Thorpe Wood 227
Thorpland 64
Timber-framed buildings 242
Tipple, Fred 287
Tithe Commissioners 76, 79
Tithe Commissioners 76. 82
Tithe map 75, 82–85
Tithes 223
Tollbooth, Norwich 296, 300
Tortice, Elizabeth 6
Tortice, Fred 6, 13
Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Town Band 281
Town Hall 277, 283
Townshend, Viscount 52
Trade Disputes Act 132
Trafalgar thanksgiving 227
Treasurer’s Report 69, 160–161, 191
Trouss, Elisabeth 199
Tryco 69
Tuck, John 118–120
Tuck, Mary 119
Tuddenham, Sergeant 4; “Tuddy” 268
Tull, Jethro 102
Turner, Benjamin (snr) 7
Turner, Benjamin Robert 6, 13
Turner, Mary 7
Turnpikes 67
Tuttle family 121
Tylson, Thomas 89
Tattam, G.E. 253, 254
Tax Exemption List 63
Taylor, Bessie 290
Taylor, Betty Mavis Annette 290
Taylor, James 290
Taylor, John 196
Technical colleges 288
Telegram delivery boys 272
Temple family 135
Terrey, Simon 140
Territorials 3–5, 7, 16, 144
Tesmond, Benjamin 115
Tesmond, Elzabeth 115
Testerton 64
Textile Conservation and the National Trust 24, Studio, Oulton 70
Thexton, Robert 116
Thomas, Mrs C. 71, 162, 243
Thorgate 112–115
Thornham Hall 58
Thornham Parva 57–59
Thorpe Wood 227
Thorpland 64
Timber-framed buildings 242
Tipple, Fred 287
Tithe Commissioners 76, 79
Tithe Commissioners 76. 82
Tithe map 75, 82–85
Tithes 223
Tollbooth, Norwich 296, 300
Tortice, Elizabeth 6
Tortice, Fred 6, 13
Tour of Great Hospital & Cathedral Library 306–308
Town Band 281
Town Hall 277, 283
Townshend, Viscount 52
Trade Disputes Act 132
Trafalgar thanksgiving 227
Treasurer’s Report 69, 160–161, 191
Trouss, Elisabeth 199
Tryco 69
Tuck, John 118–120
Tuck, Mary 119
Tuddenham, Sergeant 4; “Tuddy” 268
Tull, Jethro 102
Turner, Benjamin (snr) 7
Turner, Benjamin Robert 6, 13
Turner, Mary 7
Turnpikes 67
Tuttle family 121
Tylson, Thomas 89
Ulph, Mr C. 71, 162, 243
Unicorn 280
Unicorn 280, 283, 284
Unicorn yard 267
Union Workhouse 251–256
Unite Union 132
Usefulness of Ephemera 124–126
Ushaw College, Durham 91
Unicorn 280
Unicorn 280, 283, 284
Unicorn yard 267
Union Workhouse 251–256
Unite Union 132
Usefulness of Ephemera 124–126
Ushaw College, Durham 91
Van Dal shoe factory 163, 166, 186
Vaughan-Lewis books reviewed 51–56
Vaughan-Lewis, M. & W. Bowmans of Aylsham Manor 17–21; Property, Death & Taxes 167–172, 188, 191–197, 219–225; Restoration Day and Aylsham’s Victorian ‘Big Society’ 275–285
Vaughan-Lewis, Maggie 69–71; on Mapping Aylsham: some clarification 75–85; 100; The usefulness of ephemera 124–126; 162, 243; The pauper graveyard at Sapwell Close 251–256; Codicil to Early Modern Wills 272
Vaughan-Lewis, William 21, on Parmeters 31; 69–71, 100; First White Horse in Aylsham Millgate 111–123; on Woodgate House 139–144; 162, 243
Venus wherry 48
Vicarage Manor 38, 42; 172
Village Lock-Up Association 96
Vinke (Umk) 172
Visit to Blakeney 133–135
Visit to Columbine Hall and the churches of Thornham Parve and Earl Stonham 57–62
Visits report 70, 241
Voices of Aylsham 188, 216
Voluntary Controllled School 155
Vyse, Canon Jack 69
Vaughan-Lewis books reviewed 51–56
Vaughan-Lewis, M. & W. Bowmans of Aylsham Manor 17–21; Property, Death & Taxes 167–172, 188, 191–197, 219–225; Restoration Day and Aylsham’s Victorian ‘Big Society’ 275–285
Vaughan-Lewis, Maggie 69–71; on Mapping Aylsham: some clarification 75–85; 100; The usefulness of ephemera 124–126; 162, 243; The pauper graveyard at Sapwell Close 251–256; Codicil to Early Modern Wills 272
Vaughan-Lewis, William 21, on Parmeters 31; 69–71, 100; First White Horse in Aylsham Millgate 111–123; on Woodgate House 139–144; 162, 243
Venus wherry 48
Vicarage Manor 38, 42; 172
Village Lock-Up Association 96
Vinke (Umk) 172
Visit to Blakeney 133–135
Visit to Columbine Hall and the churches of Thornham Parve and Earl Stonham 57–62
Visits report 70, 241
Voices of Aylsham 188, 216
Voluntary Controllled School 155
Vyse, Canon Jack 69
W.I. embroidery 293
Wade 227
Wade, Charles Rice 44
Wade, Harry 7
Wade, Leah 7
Wade, Mrs C. 71, 162
Wade, Ralph John 7, 13
Wade, Sergeant H. 4
Wade, Walter 156
Walk Short Walk in Aylsham 35–45
Walk through Time 152–157
Walker, Catherine Maud Mary 19
Walker, Elizabeth 52
Walker, Olive 69
Walker, Rev Joseph Cyril 19
Walker, Rev. Joseph Need 19
Walls and Bricks 152–154
Walpole, Lady 124
Walpole, Lady and Lord 31
Walpole, Lord 288
War Memorial 5, 14
Warnes, John 252, 253
Warnes, Mr 80
Warren, Dr 307
Warren, Martin Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295
Warren, Mrs R. 71, 162, 243
Wars of the Roses 105
Watermills 67
Waters, Rev. C. 3
Watson, Cooke 53
Watson, James 281
Watts, Mary 119
Watts, William 203
Wayside bungalow 156
WEA course 32
Website 32
Webster, Ann 119, 120
Welby, Me 226
Wenn 47, 48
Wenn, Edward 48
Wenn, William 48
Wesley, John 131
Wesleyan Methodist church 131
Wesleyan Reform chapel 121
Wessely, Mrs J. 71, 162, 243
West Lodge 52, 221
West Runton Mammoth 295
West, Tom 23
West, William 22
Weybourne defences 7
Whilley, Ann 199
White Horse, Millgate 111–123
White Swan 40, 56, 115
Whitehead, John 100
Wickes 140
Wickes, Ellen 249
Wickes, Lydia 249
Wickes, Rice 249
Wickes, Susan Ellen 249
Wickes, Susanna 247, 248
Wickes, William 247, 248
Wickes, William Watts 249
Wilby, John 302
Williamson, Professor Tom 293
Williamson, Professor Tom Ancient Trees in the Norfolk Landscape 25–30; 63, 65–67, 293
Wills and inventories 192–197
Wilson, Barbara 293
Wilson, Mary 11527
Wilson, Richard 115
Wilson, Stuart 292
Wilson, Susan 293
Wilson, William 115
Windham family 30
Windmills 66
Window tax 222
Winter lectures 68
Winterborn, baker 267
Wintertonness 63
Wintle, Kyrle 250
Wintle, Sheila 71, 162, 243, 250
Wiseman, William 118
Wix, L. & Pannell, J. Aylsham Baptist Church 136
Wix, Lynda First World War 5–16; visit to Oulton Conservation Studio 24; 69–71; report on Deserted Villages 63–64; Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100; Lynda report on Primitive Methodism 131–132; 160, 162, 163; Nissen Huts at Blickling Hall 175–176; on Aylsham Poor Law 198–204; on Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185; Extracts from Norfolk Annals 226–229; 242, 243
Wix, Mr M. 71, 162, 243
Wolterton 64
Wolterton Park 284
Wones, William 20
Wood Manor 171
Wood, Joan 113
Wood, Ralph 113
Woodbine Villa 100
Woodgate 193, 284
Woodgate House 1500–1900 139–144
Woodgate Nursery 216, 217
Woodhouse, Robert 117
Woods, Hannah 142
Woods, Joan 113, 114
Woods, Robert 141, 142
Wool cloth 261
Wool merchants 261
Wool-bloggers 261
Workers’ Education Association 288
Workhouse 9, 251–256, 268; 276, 277, 287
Workhouse Lane 82, 113
Workhouse Test 203
Workhouse, Old 202
Working Horse in Norfolk 101–103
World War I 69
World War II 36
Worsencroft, Mr D. 71, 162, 243
Worstead 261
Worth, Mr & Mrs J. 71, 162, 243
Wrench, Sir B. 94
Wright 228
Wright, Ann 81
Wright, Catherine 82
Wright, George 121
Wright, James 80–85
Wright, James jnr 81, 82
Wright, William 82, 112
Wright’s Map 75–85
Writing in Aylsham Church 86–89
Wyeth, Edmund 272
Wyeth, John 272
Wymer, Elizabeth 7
Wymer, James Emmanuel 7, 13
Wymer, Joan 89
Wymer, John 7
Wymer, Margaret 89
Wymer, Thomas 89
Wyndham family 105
Wade 227
Wade, Charles Rice 44
Wade, Harry 7
Wade, Leah 7
Wade, Mrs C. 71, 162
Wade, Ralph John 7, 13
Wade, Sergeant H. 4
Wade, Walter 156
Walk Short Walk in Aylsham 35–45
Walk through Time 152–157
Walker, Catherine Maud Mary 19
Walker, Elizabeth 52
Walker, Olive 69
Walker, Rev Joseph Cyril 19
Walker, Rev. Joseph Need 19
Walls and Bricks 152–154
Walpole, Lady 124
Walpole, Lady and Lord 31
Walpole, Lord 288
War Memorial 5, 14
Warnes, John 252, 253
Warnes, Mr 80
Warren, Dr 307
Warren, Martin Discovering Norfolk’s Ancestors 294–295
Warren, Mrs R. 71, 162, 243
Wars of the Roses 105
Watermills 67
Waters, Rev. C. 3
Watson, Cooke 53
Watson, James 281
Watts, Mary 119
Watts, William 203
Wayside bungalow 156
WEA course 32
Website 32
Webster, Ann 119, 120
Welby, Me 226
Wenn 47, 48
Wenn, Edward 48
Wenn, William 48
Wesley, John 131
Wesleyan Methodist church 131
Wesleyan Reform chapel 121
Wessely, Mrs J. 71, 162, 243
West Lodge 52, 221
West Runton Mammoth 295
West, Tom 23
West, William 22
Weybourne defences 7
Whilley, Ann 199
White Horse, Millgate 111–123
White Swan 40, 56, 115
Whitehead, John 100
Wickes 140
Wickes, Ellen 249
Wickes, Lydia 249
Wickes, Rice 249
Wickes, Susan Ellen 249
Wickes, Susanna 247, 248
Wickes, William 247, 248
Wickes, William Watts 249
Wilby, John 302
Williamson, Professor Tom 293
Williamson, Professor Tom Ancient Trees in the Norfolk Landscape 25–30; 63, 65–67, 293
Wills and inventories 192–197
Wilson, Barbara 293
Wilson, Mary 11527
Wilson, Richard 115
Wilson, Stuart 292
Wilson, Susan 293
Wilson, William 115
Windham family 30
Windmills 66
Window tax 222
Winter lectures 68
Winterborn, baker 267
Wintertonness 63
Wintle, Kyrle 250
Wintle, Sheila 71, 162, 243, 250
Wiseman, William 118
Wix, L. & Pannell, J. Aylsham Baptist Church 136
Wix, Lynda First World War 5–16; visit to Oulton Conservation Studio 24; 69–71; report on Deserted Villages 63–64; Aylsham Baptist Church 99–100; Lynda report on Primitive Methodism 131–132; 160, 162, 163; Nissen Huts at Blickling Hall 175–176; on Aylsham Poor Law 198–204; on Shakespeare and Medieval Drama 183–185; Extracts from Norfolk Annals 226–229; 242, 243
Wix, Mr M. 71, 162, 243
Wolterton 64
Wolterton Park 284
Wones, William 20
Wood Manor 171
Wood, Joan 113
Wood, Ralph 113
Woodbine Villa 100
Woodgate 193, 284
Woodgate House 1500–1900 139–144
Woodgate Nursery 216, 217
Woodhouse, Robert 117
Woods, Hannah 142
Woods, Joan 113, 114
Woods, Robert 141, 142
Wool cloth 261
Wool merchants 261
Wool-bloggers 261
Workers’ Education Association 288
Workhouse 9, 251–256, 268; 276, 277, 287
Workhouse Lane 82, 113
Workhouse Test 203
Workhouse, Old 202
Working Horse in Norfolk 101–103
World War I 69
World War II 36
Worsencroft, Mr D. 71, 162, 243
Worstead 261
Worth, Mr & Mrs J. 71, 162, 243
Wrench, Sir B. 94
Wright 228
Wright, Ann 81
Wright, Catherine 82
Wright, George 121
Wright, James 80–85
Wright, James jnr 81, 82
Wright, William 82, 112
Wright’s Map 75–85
Writing in Aylsham Church 86–89
Wyeth, Edmund 272
Wyeth, John 272
Wymer, Elizabeth 7
Wymer, James Emmanuel 7, 13
Wymer, Joan 89
Wymer, John 7
Wymer, Margaret 89
Wymer, Thomas 89
Wyndham family 105
Y.M.C.A. hut 10
Yarn Sale Hall, Norwich 304
Yarram, David Primitive Methodism in North Norfolk 131–135
Yates, Rev. Edmund Telfer 41, 251, 253, 254
Yaxley’s Lane 36
Yeomanry 3
Younghusband, Mary 18
Youngs, John 203
Zeppelins 7, 11
Yarn Sale Hall, Norwich 304
Yarram, David Primitive Methodism in North Norfolk 131–135
Yates, Rev. Edmund Telfer 41, 251, 253, 254
Yaxley’s Lane 36
Yeomanry 3
Younghusband, Mary 18
Youngs, John 203
Zeppelins 7, 11