Vol 1.1 – Aylsham Directories by Tom Mollard | Page 12
Vol 1.2 – William White Directory 1845 | Page 39
Vol 2.6 – Boundaries of the Parish of Aylsham 1444 | Page 171
Vol 2.11 – Aylsham in 1706 | Page 330
Vol 6.2 – Georgian Social life as revealed in rural Norfolk churchyards, by Peter Holman | Page 37
Vol 3.2 – Aylsham Window Tax | Page 42 | Page 43
Vol 3.5 – Aylsham Church Wardens’ accounts [1639] | Page 152
Vol 6.7 – The Bale Oak, by Carrie Miller | Page 206
Vol 7.3 – Hunt’s East Norfolk Directory 1850 | Page 62